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Pharmacy module is for managing medicines stock, selling and generating medicine bill.

  • Managing medicines click on Medicines button. You can see all medicine list with their name and available stock here. If a medicine row shows as white colour means its a stock is normal, if row colour is sky blue it means its stock is below than reorder level, if row colour is yellow means its stock below to minimum level and if row colour is red that means medicine is out of stock.

To add new medicine click on + Add Medicine button here enter Medicine Name, Medicine Category, Medicine Company, Medicine Composition, Medicine Group, Supplier, Unit, Minimum Level, Reorder Level, VAT, Unit/Packing, VAT Account, Note and Medicine Photo.

To see medicine details and stock entry click on Show button, here you can also check medicine stock entry and bad stock entry details.

To import medicines click on Import Medicine button. Here select Medicine Category from dropdown and select CSV file, then click on Import Medicine button.

To add medicine stock you should enter purchased medicine details, for this click on Purchase button here you can see list of purchased medicines.

To add purchased medicine details click + Purchase Medicine button now here enter Supplier name, Purchase Date, Medicine Category, Medicine Name, Batch No, Expiry Date, MRP($), Batch Amt, Sale Price($), Packing Qty, Quantity, Purchase Price($), Amount($), Note, Attach document, Discount, Tax. After filling all relevant details, click on Calculate button then final amount will be calculated then click on Save button.

To add medicine bad stock or return stock click on Add Bad Stock button here enter Batch Number Expiry Date Outward Date Quantity and Note.

  • To import medicines for stock click on Medicines button. Here you get Import Medicine button. Click on this button. With the help of this option, you can purchase medicine in large number of quantity. Select Medicine Category from dropdown box and select CSV file, then click on Import Medicine button.
  • To generate medicine sales bill click on Generate Bill button at pharmacy bill page, here enter Bill Number, Date, Patient Type, OPD/IPD Number, Patient Name, Doctor Name, Medicine Category, Medicine Name, Batch Number, Quantity, Sale Price, Amount to add more medicine click on “+” sign, after adding all medicine enter Discount or Tax if any to calculate final bill click on Calculate button then click on Save button. After this bill will be display on pharmacy bill page. To see bill details click on Show button now here you can also Print medicine bill.

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