Frequently Asked Questions (faq)
General FAQ
How Long Have ALLITBD been?
ALL IT BD started its activities with providing IT Facilities since 2010 and officially built-in this company in the eve of 22 March 2014. Currently ALL IT BD is served comprehensive IT services such as Domain, Hosting, Bulk SMS, Software Development, Web Design-Development and Professional IT Training.
Where is our Office to be found?
ALLITBD, GS Bhaban, Altafunnesa Play Ground Lane, Serpur Road, Bogra
What payment methods are acceptable?
We accept Cash Payment, Bank Payment, Bkash Payment, DBBL Mobile Banking Payment, Skrill Payment, Master card Payment & PayPal Payment. For more details please check our payment option page.
Do I have access to the tech support center 24 hours 7 days a week?
Yes, our technical support center is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to provide our customers service, around the clock. You can receive Phone, Live Chat, support ticket  and Help desk service from our 24 / 7 available customer support team for immediate problem resolution.
Training FAQ
What is Freelancing?
Freelancing is an occupation with freedom of choice. A large number of people is being eager to start Freelancing, Some of them charming it as Full/part time jobs.
In short, not in working under any person, company or agency where there is no rules and Regulation applicable to you. Freelancing means “Working freely”.
Why Freelancing is recommended being other profession?
The demand of IT in Bangladesh is being increased everyday through eliminating unemployment problem from Bangladesh. It’s only the way to earn maximum remittance by profession.
What kind of institute should be chosen for learning?
To learn freelancing you must choose an IT training and services center where skilled freelancers work by profession and IT Services are available.
Why will you come to ALL I BD?
ALL IT BD is reputed IT Company in Bangladesh having highly skilled trainers with ensuring 100% success and you money back guarantee.
Our services are highly recommended by thousands of our clients in the whole world. There are many reasons to be ALL IT BD.
Where is our Office to be found?
ALLITBD, GS Bhaban, Altafunnesa Play Ground Lane, Serpur Road, Bogra
What you do being unsuccessful having got our training once?
If anyone sensed it to learn more after having our full training, He or she is allowed for the next batches until being successful without any payment.
How many courses are there in ALL IT BD?
Web Design, Graphic design, Mastering graphics, 3D Model design, Digital Marketing, SEO, Admin Support, Affiliate Marketing, CPA Marketing, Android, IOS, Windows Apps Development, Social media marketing, Advanced WordPress Development, YouTube Marketing & AdSense, Communicative English, Certificate In Computer Application/ Certificate In Office Application (3/6 Month), ICT Academic Training, ICT Teachers Training courses
How to get ALL IT BD’s Services?
One can have our services from Offline and Online also.
How much money you can earn after completing Training?
It’s very tough to ascertain the amount how much you will earn in a moth. Your earning depends on Quality, Speed and Timing of your works and how much time you may perhaps spend here.
How long it require to start earning after Training?
To be truth, Your progress make your earning sure. Learn fast to Earn fast maintaining your quality. If you can absorb all the things we taught and follow our guideline properly, it’s expected to start earning in training session.
How is ALL IT BD’s course fees?
There are many courses in ALLITBD, deferent courses have deferent fees. In sometimes it’s Depend on scholarship and seasonal offer
Why we are incomparable to others?
Our Students can be connected to our special team on the purpose of skill development. Innovative methods and something new are being bond to our training program according to your demand.
Web Design & Development FAQ
What do your websites cost?
The short answer: Our prices depend on so many factors, it’s impossible to say in one sentence. Avoid any web developer who can answer this question without a long talk.
The long answer: To get a better idea of the cost of what you want to build, give us a quick phone call. We’ll ask you a few questions about the nature of the site, what sort of interactivity the site will have, your graphic design needs, etc. Then we’ll be able to give you a ballpark figure. If you’re still interested, we’ll come to your place of business and come up with a firm quote.
If you talk to a web developer who gives you an instant quote, run away! Imagine telling someone you want a car and having them immediately giving you a price for that car. Any fair and honest car salesperson would want to know the make, model and engine type of the car you’re looking to purchase, right? The same goes for building web sites. Depending on the features you want for your web site, the cost can be anywhere from a few thousand taka to a few million.
Another company build web site for only 2,000 taka. Why shouldn’t we use them?
We’ve seen those ads on the side of the road too. Be wary of anyone who says they’ll build you a web site or sell you a car for 2,000 taka. There’s a possibility they’ll take your money and run. What’s more likely is that they’ll take your money and then build your site with a template. They may have a lot of templates to choose from, but they’ll all be rather generic. They’ll ask you for five pages of text and then slap it into a template and that’s it. You can’t have custom graphic design; you can’t have any interactivity; your site won’t be optimized for search engines and it will look like a 2,000 taka site.
Remember, a consultation with ALLITBD Design is always free and we just might be able to prevent you from wasting a thousand bucks.
What Papers required to create a Website ?
You need to have a copy of NID Card, Bio data and Photos.
How much does (Domain+Hosting) Renew fees?
Annual Renew charge depends on what sorts of pack (Domain+Hosting) do you use.
Do we have to pay other charge excluding (Domain+Hosting) Fees?
No, you won’t be charged in hidden factors. It’s clearly mentioned in contract paper about the Fees you will have to pay.
What will it be without renewing a website?
Ownership will be deprived from you if you do not renew it in time, the site will be available for everyone.