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Store App Configuration

After successfully configuare and adding base_url and encryption_key to the applications/config/config.php we are now ready to use this api and calling it into mobile app and website

Please upload atleast one language in order to run the app. we provided language in translations folder.. called translations. we suggest to upload en.json from admin panel

Note: Setup and adding APIs is comman in all app

Here for Mobile,website,and Admin panel is made up with Angular and they all have same structure, so there is no any confusion for setup it to other

Now Let’s configure user app

Follow this step in order to configure

Open App_code Folder and you will find folder called Store_app in your text editor

Now we have to change environment files in source code to do that open src/environments folder and edit both file environments.ts and environments.prod.ts file

Change baseURL to our apis endpoint, in our case we have
baseURL : = “YOUR_BASE_URL/”
mediaURL : = “YOUR_BASE_URL/uploads/”

Make sure this url is same in every app’s environments files

Change authToken value to encryption_key’s value which we have added in APIs applications/config/config.php file

Note : authToken must be same as API’s applications/config/config.php “$config[‘encryption_key’]” value

Note : This configuration is same in every app, UserApp,DriverApp,StoreApp,WebApp,AdminApp
you have to add this value in same both file environments.ts and environments.prod.ts file

Please find image below for more

Yepee done with store app

How to run store app?

In order to run store app, you first have install ionic in your system follow this step to install ionic in your machine!, skip if you already have it

open Command prompt for windows and terminal for mac and linux user and enter this command

npm install -g @ionic/cli

wait for moment while it’s installing into your machine

After sucessfully installed Ionic into your system next step is to run it

Open Store_app folder into cmd or in terminal and enter this command

 npm install

This command will install node dependencies into our project

After successfully installed it next is to run this command to run

 ionic serve

This command will execute the app and run it into this url http://localhost:8100/

for more installations support please read this docs

for make this app live please follow this docs

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