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Google Maps Setup

In this app we have used google maps for live Tracking of food orders. from drivers to customer locations for accurate results. this feature make customer more trust on his order and timing.

in order to use google maps in our app we must have google maps keys with following permissions

  1. Geocoding API
  2. Places API
  3. Maps JavaScript API
  4. Distance Matrix API
  5. Directions API

You can find and create keys at google cloud console visit this https://console.cloud.google.com/google/maps-apis/start?pli=1

for more about google maps key please follow this instructions here

After creating keys with respected permission add this keys in all the project (UserApp,RestaunrantApp,DriverApp)

Open index.html inside src/ and add your google maps keys as you can see image bellow

Note All configuration is same for all the project so add this keys and credentials inside other project’s environment.prod.ts and in environment.ts file as well

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