Android, IOS, Windows Apps Development With Freelancing


I will offer the full range of Android, IOS, Windows Apps Development Training, from scratch to developing distributed enterprise apps.


  • Powerful Apps development principles applied to Android Apps.
  • Expert Apps Design and architecture using UML
  • Hands-on Advanced Android Apps development experience for professional advancement


After completing my Android, IOS, Windows Apps Development training, you will possess the knowledge and extensive Android lab experience to design and develop powerful object-oriented Android Apps. These apps will be flexible, extensible and maintainable. This is our commitment to you.



Android is a complete operating environment based upon the Linux® V2.6 kernel. Initially, the deployment target for Android was the mobile-phone arena, including smart phones and lower-cost flip-phone devices. However, Android’s full range of computing services and rich functional support has the potential to extend beyond the mobile-phone market.

In this article, get an introduction to the Android platform and learn how to code a basic Android application.



Duration: 4 months

A day: 2 hours

A week: 2 days

Category: .

Course Outline



Class-01: First C# Programs

  • Hello, World
  • Variables and Expressions
  • Using C# as a Calculator
  • Input/Output in C#

.NET Framework Class Library

Class-02: Data Types in C#

  • Data Types
  • Integer Types
  • Floating Point Types
  • Decimal Type
  • Characters and Strings
  • Boolean Type
  • Conversions

Nullable Types

Class -03: Operators and Expressions

  • Operator Cardinality
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators


Class-04: Control Structures

  • If , it else, if else if
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Foreach
  • More about Control Flow


Class- 05: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Objects
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Object-Oriented Languages


Class-06: Classes, Namespaces

  • Classes as Structured Data
  • Namespaces
  • Methods
  • Constructors and Initialization
  • Static Fields and Methods

Constant and Readonly

Class-07: Methods, Properties and Operators

  • Methods
  • Parameter Passing
  • Method Overloading
  • Variable-Length Parameter Lists
  • Properties

Operator Overloading

Class-08: Characters and Strings

  • Characters
  • Strings
  • String Input
  • String Methods
  • String Builder Class

Programming with Strings

Class-09: Arrays and Indexers

  • Arrays
  • Random Number Generation
  • Arrays as Collections
  • Bank Case Study – Step 1


Class-10: Formatting and Conversion

  • To String
  • Format Strings
  • String Formatting Methods
  • Bank Case Study – Step 4

Type Conversions

Class-11: Exceptions

  • Exception Fundamentals
  • Structured Exception Handling
  • User-Defined Exception Classes
  • Inner Exceptions

Bank Case Study – Step 5

Course Outline for Android App:

Class-12: Introduction

  • Introduction
  • Installing Required Tools
  • Hello World

Android Emulators

Class-13: Layouts

  • Linear Layout
  • Relative Layout
  • Table Layout
  • Scroll View
  • Frame Layout

Absolute Layout

Class-14: Controls

  • Text View
  • ImageView
  • Edit Text

Others 100+

Class-15: Alerts

  • Toast Message
  • Alert Dialog

Popup Menu  +

Class-16: Buttons

  • Button
  • Image Button
  • Check Box
  • Radio Button
  • Switch Button

Toggle Button   +

Class-17: Bar Control

  • Action Bar
  • ToolBar
  • RatingBar
  • SeekBar

Navigation Bar   +

Class-18: Date, Time & Calendar

  • DateTime Picker
  • Time Picker
  • Digital Clock
  • Analog Clock
  • Text Clock

Calendar View   +

Class-19: Web View

  • WebView
  • Load HTML Data with WebView

Implementing Navigation Back in WebView +

Class-20: Gird View

GridView Full Details +

Class-21: SQLite Database App

CRUID Operations with Join

Class-22-26: Full Project

  • Simple Facebook App
  • System app
  • Chat App
  • Security App
  • Gallery App
  • Calculator App
  • Weather App
  • Media Player App
  • Mail Sending App
  • Compus App
  • Flash Light App
  • Camera App
  • To Do List

Others 10+ (If Time Available)

Class-27: Play Store Account

  • Account Create
  • Verify

Preparing for Upload +

Class-28: Adds

Secret That will discuss in Class time.


Account Creation on Market Places
Fiverr, freelancer, Peopleperhour


Profile Building With Discussion fiverr & Gig creation


Profile Building With Discussion (freelancer, Peopleperhour)
Tips & Secrets Mentioned Marketplaces


Market Places

Tips & Secrets Mentioned Marketplaces


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Career Support


After course completion, students
can get jobs as:

Apps Developer

It Firm






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Software Taught


♦ Eclipse IDE

♦ Android Studio

♦ Android SDK and Admob SDK

♦ IntelliJ IDEA

♦ Version Control

♦ Google apps engine

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