• HRM, CRM and Project Management With Accounting

    1. Manage customers and leads
    2. Track client projects, invoices, and proposals/estimates
    3. Add company employees, track attendance and manage leaves
    4. Create contracts with clients with e-signatures
    5. Create projects, add project members, and track progress, expenses, earnings, timelogs, tasks, and milestones
    6. Use a Kanban taskboard to visualize work and tasks
    7. Use a project gantt chart to plan the project schedule
    8. Convert invoices to credit notes that can be redeemed
    9. Create products that can be used in invoices and purchased by clients
    10. Raise tickets by employees and clients, assigned to ticket agents for resolution
    11. Internal chat feature in the messages section
    12. Integrate with Slack, Pusher, and One Signal for real-time notifications
    13. Theme settings to reflect your brand
    14. Receive payments via PayPal, Stripe, payfast, flutterwave, mollie and Razorpay gateways
    15. Create custom roles with custom permissions for employees
    16. Various reports for tasks, timelogs, finance, attendance, and leaves
    17. Tons of other configurable options.

    Client Panel

    Employee Panel

    Admin Panel

  • Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System

    Employee Management

    Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System provides a centralized platform to manage all employee-related information, including personal details, employment history, attendance, leave management, and performance evaluations. It enables HR professionals to effectively track and analyze employee data, ensuring efficient workforce management.

    Payroll Processing

    The system includes robust payroll management capabilities, allowing organizations to automate the calculation of employee salaries, taxes, deductions, and benefits. It ensures accurate and timely payroll processing, eliminates manual errors, and provides comprehensive payroll reports.

    Recruitment and Onboarding

    This system simplifies the recruitment process by automating job posting, applicant tracking, resume screening, and interview scheduling. It also facilitates seamless onboarding by managing new hire paperwork, training schedules, and orientation processes.

    Performance Management

    Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System offers a robust performance management module that enables organizations to set and track employee goals, conduct regular performance appraisals, and provide constructive feedback. It allows managers to evaluate individual and team performance, identify skill gaps, and initiate performance improvement plans.

    Time and Attendance Tracking

    The system includes advanced time and attendance tracking features, allowing employees to log their working hours, breaks, and leaves. It ensures accurate payroll processing and provides insights into employee productivity and attendance patterns.

    Leave and Absence Management

    With Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System, employees can request leaves, and managers can efficiently manage and approve them. The system maintains a comprehensive record of leave balances, tracks absenteeism, and automates leave accruals according to company policies.

    Project Management

    This system incorporates robust project management tools, including task allocation, progress tracking, milestone management, and resource allocation. It facilitates effective collaboration among team members, improves project visibility, and ensures timely project completion.

    Document Management

    Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System offers a secure document management feature that allows users to store and manage employee-related documents, such as contracts, certifications, and performance reviews. It ensures easy access, version control, and compliance with data security regulations.

    Reporting and Analytics

    The system provides powerful reporting and analytics capabilities, generating insightful reports on various HR metrics, project progress, employee performance, and resource utilization. These reports help businesses make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.

    Mobile Accessibility

    The system is accessible through mobile applications, enabling employees and managers to access essential HR and project management functionalities on the go. This feature enhances flexibility and facilitates remote work.

    In summary, Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System is a comprehensive solution that combines essential HR and project management features. It optimizes workforce management, enhances collaboration, improves efficiency, and enables data-driven decision-making, ultimately leading to enhanced organizational productivity and success.

    it takes employee/staff attendance data exported from biometric attendance/fingerprint reader devices at your office/factory. This data is then used to calculate employee attendance, salary (payroll) etc.

    How it works

    • Register employees in your fingerprint attendance machine
    • Take fingerprint attendance of employees
    • Export attendance data from device and sync with Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System
    • The final attendance report is shown in your attendance page


  • Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool


    Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool. Your search ends here.


    Task Hub is a lightweight & super fast One Stop Solution for your Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool, Company’s Accounts, or Finance Management, Customer’s data management tool which provides it’s project managers (PMs), Team Members, HRs, and Clients to collaborate and meet goals on time while managing resources and cost-efficiently.

    It offers you an all in one feature where you can do projects management, task distribution, project/task progress tracking, sharing of the same dashboard with clients for project’s and task’s progress tracking and data sharing, create and manage estimates & invoices, keep track of expenses and payments, Personalized notifications, Announcements, Calendar of Events, realtime chat among team members, manage Leave Requests of team members, resource planning, team/organization collaborations, and many more features with one simple Project Management Software. Explore our demo to check how does everything looks like & work and to find out more details on the features and functionalities proceed below to know more.


    It offers you an all in one feature where you can do projects management, task distribution, project/task progress tracking, sharing of the same dashboard with clients for project’s and task’s progress tracking and data sharing, create and manage estimates & invoices, keep track of expenses and payments, Personalised notifications, Announcements, Calendar of Events, realtime chat among team members, manage Leave Requests of team members, resource planning, team/organization collaborations, and many more features with one simple Project Management Software.

    Apart from all these it offers some exceptional features like RTL layout for the whole website for languages like Arabic, Aramaic, Azeri, Hebrew, Persian/Farsi, Urdu etc., Languages

    Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool also offers some unique and best customization features like Setting up of Custom Fonts, Managing Store Currency, Timezone Settings, Logo Settings, Email Settings and more.,

  • Team Collaboration With Best CRM and Project Management System


    Features of Team Collaboration With Best CRM and Project Management System

    Project Management

    Create unlimited amounts of Projects with start and end date of project, each with their own unique teams. You can easily assign teams and client to each project. After the creation of a project, you can create tasks of that project and assign those tasks to the project team members in order to get tasks done. You can see all the details about projects like graphical overview, projest tasks, project statistics, project files, project users, and many more.

    Tasks Management

    Add a new task and prioritize them according to the need of urgency. Assign the task to one or multiple team members and set a due date for task completion. You can add comments and attach necessary files in a required task. Using a Kanban board and clear statistics helps you understand the status of tasks and you can drag and drop the task to change the status of tasks. Detail model of the task will show you all the necessary details of those tasks.

    Client and Team Management

    You can add a new user and remove an unnecessary user when required. Also, admin can make any team member as admin and also from admin to a team member. You can easily add this member to any project and assign tasks to those members. You can easily collaborate with your team and work together on any project or task.


    Keep track of your opportunities. Manage potential customers and followup their status and convert your leads into paying customers.

    Video Meetings

    Unlimited free video conference. Do video meetings/conference with your clients and team members for unlimited time.

    Time Tracking

    Keep track of the amount of time that you spend on your project tasks which can be billed to your client.

    Invoices and Payments

    You don’t need to send an invoice to your client separately. Easily send an invoice to your client and get paid from Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay, and Bank Transfer in the application.

    Custom Currency and Taxes

    You can set your custom currency according to your need. This feature will allow you to set Project Budget and send an invoice in your native currency. Also, you can create unlimited taxes and apply them to your work through invoice.

    Gantt Chart / Calendar

    The due dates of the projects and tasks will appear in the Gantt Chart and Calendar.


    Estimates help you to convert your leads into orders. Clients are more willing to commit to a project when they have an idea of the total cost.

    User Permissions

    Admin always has all the permission, and no one can change that. Admin has the power to give any permission to the user. Permissions like view projects and tasks, update, delete, and many more.


    Manage your team members leave rquests. Approve or reject leave applications


    Chat allows you to communicate with all team members. You don’t have to leave the application for any discussion.


    You can create your own daily ToDo list. That will help you to complete your tasks on time.


    Make personalized notes for your self because of these busy days. We can not remember all the things. Just add those things here as a reminder.

    One Click Future Update

    We have added the best feature in the application for your future convenience. Whenever we release a new update for It you can easily update your application on one click. No need of coding knowledge.


    You can easily customize according to your need. From the setting section, you can change the name of the application, footer, logos, timezone, date format, and many more options for your convenience.

    Silent Features

    • The Fully Secure Application
    • Dashboard with a Graphical Representation of Tasks and Projects
    • Secure Database no SQL Injection
    • Kanban Task Board to see the progress of various Tasks
    • Protected against CSRF and XSS attacks
    • Feature to Attach Important Files to Tasks and Projects
    • Bcrypt Password Encryption
    • Totally Ajax
    • Built-in using Most Trusted CodeIgniter Framework

    The Guarantee

    • Our excellent support.
    • Feature updates.
    • Answer to all your questions.
    • Bugs fixes if any have.
    • Help to set up and install.

    Frequently asked questions.

    Question 1: How to install it?
    Ans: You can easily install it just by following the step in the installation wizard.

    Question 2: It have documentation?
    Ans: Yes, Full documentation included. Just follow the documentation.

    Question 3: It is multilingual? Can I translate it into my language?
    Ans: Yes, it is multilingual. Also, you can add or edit languages from the admin panel.

    Question 4: We have to pay extra for video meetings? What we need for video meetings?
    Ans: No, you don’t need to pay anything for video meetings. You need an SSL certificate for the work camera and mic in the video meeting. Video meeting is a free third-party service. We have used Jitsi meet for video meetings. Remember it’s free third party service and can be changed by third party any time they want. You can check their documentation and limitation.

    Question 5: What is the server requirements?
    Ans: PHP 7.x+ under PHP 8, MySQL 5.7+, mod_rewrite enabled, unlimited space and bandwidth.

  • Project and Task Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)


    What to expect from Project and Task Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    • An effective dashboard to understand various aspects of tasks and projects
    • Access to tools in multiple languages
    • Feasibility in finding tasks with a search tab on the top
    • Task management through kanban drag and drop
    • Management of expense and timesheet of projects
    • Various options for task details like a checklist, add a favorite, attachment, multi-user, etc.
    • Multiple user allowance for convenience with different module permission
    • Dark mode feature that is adaptive to DPI screens
    • A lot of project settings options
    • Email templates to send prompt Emails immediately
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • Contract Module for Digital Signature
    • Project Report Module
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Google Calendar for Events
    • Import/Export in Excel in Project, Member, Invoice
    • Themes Color Setting, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
    • Owner can send plan request & Admin can accept or reject plan request (Manually Payment Gateway)
    • Attractive charts and reports
    • Add your Client and User of Project
    • Task Grid View
    • Added Task wise Time tracking
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • The owner can send a plan request & the admin can accept or reject the plan request
    • Display, the Users last login time in the member list
    • Send and Receive Invoice with the help of QR Codes
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Default Language option
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
    • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 10 diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, toyyibPay, PayFast, SSPay, Iyzipay, PayTabs, Benefit, Cashfree, aamarPay, Yookassa, Midtrans, and Xendit.
    • Stripe will have Recurring and One-Time purchase options on the upgrade plan
    • Built with Laravel 10

    Salient Features of Project and Task Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    Create Plans and Make Payment – a special SaaS Feature

    With a Super Admin Login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select appropriate pricing and duration for the created plan. You can allow a maximum number of users and projects. Make payments using various payment gateways. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

    Efficient Dashboard

    It offers a versatile dashboard that allows you to keep a tab on Total projects, tasks, expenses, and users. It also offers a graphical representation of a task overview and time sheet for an ongoing week. You can check the project status of various projects and also maintain a to-do list. You also get to manage your top due projects and tasks on the dashboard through a simple click which would redirect you to the detailed page.

    Project Management

    The project tab allows you to view your projects in the grid and list view. It allows you to filter the projects through different options. The flagged option allows you to search for projects based on their status. Also allows you to invite members to different projects.

    Project Features

    You get detailed information about each project on selecting it. You get access to brief synopsis through the statistical display of tasks achieved, expenses, days left, open tasks, milestones achieved, assigned users, allocated hours, and time spent. In short every detail of a project. You can add new users and manage their permissions. The view tab on milestones allows you to view, edit and delete milestone details. You can download the files that were added for tasks and view the activity log of the particular project.

    Gantt chart feature in project details

    A chart is always one of the strong representations of data we have. Here, Gantt Chart shows the status of the tasks on a quarter-day, half-day, daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

    Task & its timely Management

    The kanban board for tasks allows you to drop and drag them according to their status of completion. You can add and view comments, attachments, and checklists for each task. You can add a new task by assigning names, estimated hours, users, and dates to it. You can select the milestone and priority for each task that would allow you to manage your timeline with ease.


    You can manage the time sheet of each project by adding task-wise. This would ensure project completion on time and you get to know which users have worked how much time on each task.

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.


    Keep a tab on project expenses by adding attachments for each expense.

    Project Settings

    Basic settings allow you to assign project names, descriptions, and dates. You can upload project images and change the status of projects for your ease. You can also manage project and task progress through manual entry. Additional settings allow you to assign budgets, hours, and tags. You can add your currency symbol for budget estimation. The Task stage allows you to add and remove task stages. Manage various project notifications through simple settings.

    Task List

    You can search for tasks through available alternatives. You can also filter the tasks based on their priority and due date. Each task would take you to a kanban board where you can manage them through the drag-and-drop option.

    User Overview

    You get a detailed insight into users’ timesheets, tasks, skills, projects, attachments, due tasks, and social media details under a single page. A graphical visual of the timesheet of each user can be accessed with ease.


    The calendar would give you an overview of tasks sorted based on their priorities and due dates.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

    Chat Module

    Direct Communication is an important aspect of any business. The easy-to-access and use Chat Module provided in it, helps you to be in direct and constant touch with subordinates and superiors.

    My Profile Overview

    You get your profile overview just like that of users. Detailed information about timesheets, tasks, due dates, projects, and social media details. Manage your profile by filling in essential and basic information through basic settings. You also get to manage your security through a simple click.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.

    Dark Mode

    Manage the visual of this tool through an inbuilt light and dark mode alternative. It is perfectly adaptive to both regular and high DPI screens.

    Admin Setting

    This task management tool is available in multiple languages making it feasible for a large proportion of people. 4 different email templates are readily available to use in the language of your choice. Send Emails instantly with these instant templates. Manage the basic settings by selecting a logo, title texts, and footer settings. Also, manage the mailer settings through easy steps.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

    Client Panel

    Super Admin Panel

  • Project and Lead Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)


    What to expect from Project and Lead Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    • A visually attractive dashboard to understand business activities
    • Restriction on client and user permissions
    • Curation of various roles for users by selecting permissions on various modules
    • Ease in client assigning for generated leads
    • Checklist method for task achievement by creating milestones
    • Maintenance of personal notes for easy reference
    • Manage Invoices and Expenses on multiple projects along with client
    • Availability in multiple languages makes it a tool accessible on global platforms
    • Kanban board management for managing leads and tasks
    • Your client can pay invoices via Paypal and Stripe based on your setting
    • Invoice Module with QR Code
    • Chat Module
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • Contract Module for Digital Signature
    • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
    • Project Report Module
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Google Calendar for Zoom Meetings, Task Module
    • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
    • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
    • Company can send plan requests & admin can accept or reject plan request (Manually Payment Gateway)
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Add currencies according to the requirement as well as company profile setting for invoice purposes
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • 10 attractive PDF templates and a color palette to customize your invoice
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
    • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, toyyibPay, PayFast, SSPay, Iyzipay, PayTabs, Benefit, Cashfree, aamarPay, Yookassa, Midtrans, and Xendit.
    • Built with Laravel 10


    Salient Features of Project and Lead Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    Create Plans and Get Payment – A Special SaaS Feature

    With a Super Admin Login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select appropriate pricing and duration for the created plan. You can allot Users, Clients, and a Maximum Number of Projects. Get payment using Stripe and PayPal payment gateway. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

    An Efficient Dashboard

    Get an overview of total Leads, Projects, Invoices, and Staff along with a reminder list of Top Due Payments, Projects, and Tasks of an organization. A task overview graph shows weekly task achievements whereas a Project Pie Chart will give a visual status of various projects undertaken by a business.

    Multi-User and Multi-Client

    Appoint multiple users on various deals. You could assign roles to them and control their access to certain parameters by assigning permissions. Assign multiple clients on the same deal. Thus, the multi-user, multi-client feature facilitates ease in deal management.

    Add Users and Clients by assigning Roles and Restricting Permission

    Create new users and control their access to certain parameters by assigning them roles. Similarly, you could restrict the client’s access to projects by allowing them selected permissions. Thus, users and clients could access the project within prescribed limits.

    Manage Leads based on Clients

    Manage various generated leads through Multiple stages of the Kanban Board System. Assign the Client and User on the concerned lead and select from a list of lead generation sources. Make important notes and fix the price of an individual lead.

    Project Management

    Create New Projects

    Create new projects based on generated leads by assigning users and budgets to them. Set a deadline for the selected project. Add labels and detailed product descriptions to avoid confusion.

    Task Management

    Manage multiple tasks of the same project through the Kanban Board system. Create new tasks under milestones by setting a priority and due date. Create a Checklist to measure the progress of a task. Attach important files and add comments.

    Project Overview

    Get numeric accuracy on the project’s budget and expenses along with a statistical display of progress, tasks, and remaining days.

    Change the status of the project with a simple drop-down menu and create milestones on a particular project. Add users and restrict client permissions. Upload essential files and keep a tab on project activity.


    Create a timesheet by assigning the project and its task. Allocate the task hours and task date. You can keep a tab on task hours and improve your efficiency.

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.

    Calendar and Notes

    Never miss a task, project, or any important deadline ever. Get an overview of your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plans. You can also keep notes for quick and easy reference.

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
    It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.


    Chat with existing users through an easy chat portal. You can send and receive important messages without getting distracted.

    Manage Estimates

    Create new estimates and assign clients, tax percent, and issue dates accordingly. Edit the content of existing estimates and change their status. You can also delete unnecessary estimates after they are fully paid. You can check the statuses of estimates with the help of a QR Scan as well.

    Invoice Management

    Create an invoice for projects by assigning due dates and tax rates. Edit existing invoices by adding additional items. Add payments through available payment modes. Manage tax rates according to company standards. The client can pay invoices by PayPal and Stripe based on your setting.

    Expense Management

    Manage new expenses by selecting from various categories on the given project. Assign the user to an expense and keep a clear tab on the amount and date on which the given expense occurred. A file could be attached to support the evidence. Update existing expenses in case of any changes.

    Company Setting

    Customize your system settings by adding your currencies and selecting their symbols and positions. Choose the date and time format and assign a prefix to the invoice. Add company details along with your mail id to your system settings.

    Manage Mail Templates

    Manage the status of mail templates and view the action on each template.

    System Setup / Constant

    Under system setup settings, manage lead and project stages by assigning them unique colors. Create sources of lead generation and add payment methods to your system. Manage various expense categories and create product units according to business needs.

    Add Users and Clients on Projects

    This feature enables the user and clients to only see the permitted project, lead, and invoice as and when they log in with their separate IDs.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

    User Panel

    Staff Panel

    Admin Panel

    Super Admin Panel