Online Learning- Twenty Eight


Category: .

Core Features:

LMS supported!
Course post type
Create course and sell online
Manage Quizzes and Questions easily
Paypal payment
Course search / filter

Save $37 Plugins Value – included with Revolution Slider $19 and LightGallery $18!
Demo Importer – With super powerful demo importer, you can have demo content on your site with a single click. We also have developed the multi-thread images importing technique to make it even faster!
Powerful & Customizable Admin PanelFull / Boxed Layout
100% Fluid Layout – You can set 100% of site’s content width to fit your screen size.
– Page items space can be customized – You can set space for each page item right in admin panel
– Top Bar – You can choose to enable top bar on top of all headers styles
– Top Bar Social – Enable social links in top bar easily
19 Header Layouts – With ability to control logo, navigation spaces.
Secondary Navigation – You can choose style of secondary navigation as slide style or overlay style.
Floating Navigation
– 6 Footer Layouts – You will also have option to disable footer/copyright section in specific pages too.
– Google Fonts
Unlimited Sidebars – Create sidebar and assign to individual pages/posts easily.
– Choose sidebar layout from specific pages, posts
– Font Uploader – Upload your own font in EOT or TTF format
Custom Skin Color – You can create custom skin color to use in page builder wrapper. For example, if you have three sections of wrapper in a page, you can create skin and use them in each section.
– Create Thumbnail Size – allow to you create custom thumbnail size to be used in portfolio, blog, gallery and in many other image elements.
– LightGallery – We provide two options for lightbox for you. LightGallery and Strip.
– Additional CSS – Put your custom css easily via theme option. We also have custom css box for mobile view too.
– Additional Javascript – Put your custom javascript easily.
Maintenance / Coming Soon Page – Turn your site to maintenance or coming soon mode easily with a single click.
Import / Export – Ability to import and export theme options, widget, custom page template easily.
– Post Format – 8 post formats – Standard, Aside, Image , Video, Quote, Link, Gallery, Audio
Page Builder In Single Post – You can manage layouts freely in your single post with page builder
– Ability to set header background in single post
Page Builder In Portfolio Single
– Ability to set header background in single portfolio
Powerful Drag & Drop Page Builder
Unlimited Color
SEO Optimization
WPML Fully Supported
WooCommerce Fully Supported
– 14 Blog Layouts
– 9 Portfolio Layouts
– 6 Gallery Layouts
– Fully Responsive
– Automatic Theme Updates
– Live Customize

Demo Design Style 1


Demo Design Style 2

Demo Design Style 3


Demo Design Style 4


Demo Design Style 5


Demo Design Style 6


Demo Design Style 7

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