Live TV Fifteen -Laravel


This is a video sharing & streaming PHP Script, Best way to start your own video sharing website like YouTube! our platform is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
Only video sharing site in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system!

  1. User-Friendly Interface:
  2. Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design:
  3. Video Upload and Management:
  4. Multiple Video Formats Support:
  5. Video Quality Options:
  6. Video Import from External Sources:
  7. User Registration and Profiles:
  8. User Interaction Features:
  9. Video Comments and Likes:
  10. Video Sharing and Embedding:
  11. Video Categories and Tags:
  12. Advanced Search Functionality:
  13. Video Recommendations and Discovery:
  14. Video Privacy Settings:
  15. Monetization Options:
  16. Video Views Tracking:
  17. User Notifications and Alerts:
  18. User Followers and Following:
  19. User Activity Feeds:
  20. Video Trending and Popular Sections:
  21. Multi-Language Support:
  22. Customizable Branding and Theming:
  23. Video Playlist Creation:
  24. Social Media Integration:
  25. Video Analytics and Insights:
  26. Video Embed Codes:
  27. User Reporting and Moderation:
  28. Advertisement Integration:
  29. User Subscription and Notifications:
  30. Video Comments Moderation:
  31. User Engagement Analytics:
  32. Video Series and Seasons:
  33. Featured and Spotlighted Videos:
  34. Video Channel Pages:
  35. User Interactions Tracking:
  36. Video Sharing on Social Networks:
  37. Video Rating and Reviews:
  38. Customizable Ad Placements:
  39. User Profile Customization:
  40. Video Thumbnail Options:
  41. Subscription Notifications:
  42. Embedding External Content:
  43. User Badge and Achievements:
  44. Automated Video Publishing:
  45. User Playlist Management:
  46. Video Comment Replies:
  47. Integrated Live Streaming (if applicable):
  48. Advertisement Revenue Sharing:
  49. Playlist Sharing and Collaboration:
  50. User Support and Resources:

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