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View Monthly Rents

By default, this page will display the monthly rents, both due and paid, of the current month and year. In each entry, you will see the tenant’s name, next to their invoice number, bed, room number, rent amount, advance amount, status (due or paid), and date of creation and update, also the person it was updated by. On the top right of this box, there is also a search option. You will also be able to see the due and paid rent amounts of the selected month in the orange and blue boxes at the bottom right of the page. You can select a different month and year by typing in the top right box. Then hit Show. When you click on the invoice number next to each tenant’s name, you will be directed to a separate page with the details: tenant’s name, address, date of invoice creation, due date of payment, status (paid or due), month and year, amount of rent and advance payment and the calculated total amount due. On the bottom left, hit Print to print out the invoice and give it to the tenant.

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