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After successfully logging in, you will see the Dashboard. Here you will see the number of Total Beds, Total Tenants, Occupied Beds, and Active Tenants. You can click on View Details on any of these boxes and you will be directed to the appropriate page. Below these boxes, you will also be able to see the Due Rents of the current month and Total Rents you are supposed to receive for the current month. Beside that you will be able to see the Due and Total rents of the previous month. Below that you will see the Total Utility Bills Overall, Total Expenses Overall, Total Due Rents Overall, and Total Rents Overall.



At the top right corner, you will see an icon that if you click will lead to two options: 1. Profile Settings. Here you can change your username and password. Just type in your new password and click on Update to save changes. 2. Logout. Just click on this button to successfully log out of the system.


On the left of the screen, you will be able to see the Main Navigation panel that will lead you to all the other sections on the website.

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