• All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS (SaaS)


    All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS (SaaS)

    • A comprehensive dashboard with all requisite information under one tab
    • Easy management of staff details, be it, employees or clients, with easy filter options
    • Management of various aspects of HR. From Attendance to Resignation, from Training to Performance, everything related to employee management becomes easy with us SaaS
    • Managing pre-sales effectively through Leads, Deals, and Estimate Management
    • Kanban and List view for the convenience of users
    • Manage the minutest aspects of the project for effective implementation
    • Manage Invoices, Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes through easy clicks. Never miss the due date from now on
    • Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill
    • Proposals, Invoices, and Bills details can be checked with QR codes
    • Customer/ Vendor Statement Report
    • Contract Module for Digital Signature
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • Stock/ Inventory Management
    • New Stock Report
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • Email Templates
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
    • Project Report Module
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Google Calendar for Meetings, Holidays, Events, Project Tasks, Interview Schedules, Zoom Meetings
    • Build on Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Experience Certificate, and NOC
    • Form Builder
    • POS Module
    • Manage leads, and deals, and generate reports to enhance customer relationship management.
    • Seamlessly controls warehouses, purchases, POS orders, and point-of-sale transactions.
    • Discount on POS Products
    • Barcode Print Module in POS System
    • Thermal Print in POS Module
    • Added iframe embed link in the form builder
    • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
    • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Twilio Integration
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • Keep a tab on expiring contracts
    • Chat with users without having to switch tools
    • Manage your goals with us SaaS
    • Budget Planning Feature
    • Get a detailed report on each aspect of the Project, Sales, HR, and Pre-sales
    • Customize your business, system, and print settings in us SaaS
    • Available in Multiple languages
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages.
    • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, toyyibPay, PayFast, SSPay, IyziPay, PayTabs, Benefits, Cashfree, aamarPay, Yookassa, Midtrans, Xendit.
    • Built with Laravel 10

    Salient Features of All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS (SaaS)

    Create Plans and Get Payment – A special SaaS Feature

    With a Super Admin Login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select appropriate pricing and duration for the created plan. Make payments using various payment gateways. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

    The Stunning Dashboard

    This SaaS has the most comprehensive dashboard with all the essential details under one head. We all can agree that dashboards have made our lives easier. Well, from every minute detail like total Clients, Users, Invoices, Projects, and estimations to Leads, Deals, and items, you can get quantitative data in the most simple layout. You get an overview of Estimates, Invoices, top-due Payments, Projects, and Tasks to take timely actions. Get a reminder of meeting Schedules, Expiring Contracts, Weekly Events, and new clients as you scroll down. Lastly, a Pie Chart can help you understand various project statuses. In short, every activity of your business can be handled through this useful tool.

    Manage Staff

    Manage your Employee and Client’s personal as well as company details through easy-to-create options. You can edit and manage the information and status at your convenience. You can search for staff through easy filter options based on department and designation.

    Assign roles to each staff

    Our multi-user accounting tool allows you to assign roles to each of your staff. By managing their permissions gain control over their access to certain parameters.

    Employee Management

    Through a detailed HR section, you can manage Attendance, Bulk Attendance, Holidays, Leaves, Meetings, Assets, Documents, and Company Policies. Create, Edit, and Filter at your convenience. You get a detailed understanding of each aspect of the employee. You can also manage Awards, Transfers, Promotions, Complaints, and many such HR aspects of employees with easy tabs. The training and Performance of each employee can be planned, handled, and taken care of with  SaaS.


    With the help of the Payroll module, the set salary feature will help you to set the salary of your employees, particularly under various different heads set by you. Also, with the payslip feature, you can generate bulk payments.

    Added Performance Module Like Indicator, Appraisal & Goal Tracking


    The overall performance of each Designation of each Department of the Branches is given which includes a total of three competencies namely, Technical, Organizational, and Behavioral. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.


    Any of the goals including, temporary, short-term, long-term, etc. can be set through this module. One can update the progress by editing the entry manually. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.

    Added Chat Module

    Direct Communication is an important aspect of any business. The easy-to-access and use Chat Module provided in  SaaS, helps you to be in direct and constant touch with the users and clients.

    Added Contract Module

    Contract Module is very helpful for proper documentation of the contracts done with clients showing the type of contract, the value, and time duration. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.

    Manage Pre-Sale


    You can view all the generated leads through a Kanban and List view. Create pipelines and assign stages to various leads. You can manage the leads by adding Users, Items, Files, Notes, Sources, Call Details, Emails, and Discussions. Get all the requisite information on any particular lead in an easily laid layout.


    Just like lead management, you can view deals in Kanban or List view. Get an overview of deals in a week, month, and deals in the last 30 days. Assign Tasks, Products, Files, and Users for each deal. Manage discussions and notes. Also, get a calendar view for every deal detail. In short, managing deals has never been easier.


    Keep a tab on issued estimates. Manage the estimates by assigning Clients, Status, and Expiry Dates to each. You can easily generate new estimates by assigning Clients, Categories, Issues, and Expiry Dates. You can add items in the required quantity and apply discounts and tax as requisite. Generate estimates within minutes through SaaS.

    Added Form Builder

    Create and manage various required forms with diverse form fields, like, Text, Email, Number, Date, and Description as per the business needs of the users at large.

    Project Management


    You can manage and filter each project available in Kanban and List view again. Get an overview of Project Status, Expenses, Budget, and Due Date to manage projects. Add or Remove the users and check tasks completed by them. Create a task list and assign priority to each task. Get an overview of tasks through the Kanban board. Add Milestones, Notes, Files, Comments, Payments, Timesheets, Client Feedback, Expenses, Invoices, and anything related to the project. Think of a project and consider everything you would need to manage for a successful project. Well, you get to manage them easily with  SaaS.


    Successful project implementation requires small tasks that can help achieve the ultimate goal. Well, you can manage various tasks through an easy filter option. View the priority of each task and the due dates to complete each task. You can also add a checklist for tasks and track your progress. Again add comments and files as required.


    Create a timesheet by assigning Projects, Tasks, and Users. Assign a starting and ending date as well as a time. This allows you to manage your project most efficiently.

    Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill

    Isn’t it effortless to check the inventory status of each of the items you are using for your business activities? Sounds Fascinating!
    Here, through the inventory management feature, you can monitor the inventory of each item you have registered with you. After generating the Invoice/ Bill, the quantity will automatically be updated in “Product & Services” for scrutiny. Overall, it is painless to maintain the inventory level of the products.

    Customer/ Vendor Statement Report

    With the help of this “Customer/ Vendor Statement Report” Module, you can review the filtered particulars of that customer/ vendor for a certain period. This statement report includes the start and end dates, order details, and payment details along with the transaction history with the customer/ vendor.

    Thermal Print in Sales Module

    The main goal of a business is to cut both fixed and operational costs. Thermal Print’s feature here is extremely helpful. Thermal Printing is faster than other printing with fast and accurate services of Faster Labeling, Package Printing, and Receipt Printing. It also offers quick printing, sharpn

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.

    Email Templates

    The email templates feature enables the user to choose from pre-defined and individualized email layouts rather than creating an entirely new email each time. Additionally, this provides readiness, uniformity of drafts, accessibility, and reduced effort required to draft the same email repeatedly. These templates can be created according to various needs.

    An inline frame (iframe) of a form builder performs as an external form of the product which can be attached to any of the other websites without redirecting the internal form and getting the responses to the main product. This mainly works as a third party to get more leads from various websites.

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
    It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

    Twilio Integration

    The Twilio Integration for receiving the text messages of the jobs performed is a very handy and convenient feature. You can get an instant text message of the activities on the registered mobile number even when your phone is not connected to the internet, which is one of the most important benefits of Twilio Integration.

    Managing Items

    Add items and assign Categories, Purchases, Sales Prices, Taxes, Units, and Product types to them. Conclusively, everything you would want to keep a tab on.

    Double Entry Module for Accounting

    The Double Entry module within This is the cornerstone of robust financial management, comprising six crucial columns. The “Chart of Accounts” column lays the foundation, offering a comprehensive view of account details, including codes, names, types, journal and transaction balances, and status. “Journal Account” records specific transaction details, while the “Ledger Summary” column provides historical snapshots of account balances. The “Balance Sheet” column facilitates the creation of this vital financial statement. Additionally, the “Profit and Loss” section generates income statements, and the “Trial Balance” ensures the accuracy of the entire accounting system by reconciling debit and credit balances. This module empowers organizations to maintain precise financial records, track transactions, and produce essential financial reports, fostering transparency, compliance, and informed decision-making.

    Sales Management

    Manage various aspects of sales like sending Invoices, making Payments, managing Expenses, and Credit Notes in a single tool. You can create new invoices and edit existing ones. Add new products and receipts to existing Invoices, edit Payments and Products. Resend the Invoices, send the payment reminders, and print the Invoices simply through a click. Similarly, you can manage Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes with the utmost ease. All in all, keep all your sales fears at bay.

    Budget Planner

    A budget is a financial plan for a specified period to keep in check with the working capital. This feature here helps to maintain the capital flow. You can set monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly budgets according to your business plans and needs. The main categories are “Income” and “Expense” where one can edit /update /delete the sub-categories as well.

    Keep a tab on Contracts

    It’s hard to keep everything aligned in business. However, never miss a contract date from now on. Manage your contracts with utmost ease by assigning Start and Due Dates along with Contract Type, Value, Client, and a Description if required.

    Events and Notice Board

    Always be prepared for an upcoming event. Assign Employees and Departments to each event reminder. Create Events and add Descriptions to always keep a tab. Create and Issue a notice to Users, Clients, or Employees.

    Goals and Notes

    You can create goals and choose whether or not to display them on the Dashboard. You can also add files to your notes for support. Simple, isn’t it?


    Management shall go to waste if its result cannot be seen in reports. You can get a detailed report in the form of Graphs for Tasks, Time Logs, Financial Details, and Incomes/ Expenses. You can filter and search for reports for a specific time. Also get a detailed report of Leaves, Estimates, Invoices, and many similar aspects.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.

    Business Settings

    Manage business and company settings. Customize your system settings and print settings for Invoices and estimates. Also, manage the pusher settings.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

  • Accounting, CRM, HRM, Project Management and Mobile Supported POS Software



    Detailed Documentation and Installation. How to use videos included. Application is developed with Laravel , you can scale with large size of database.

    30 Languages are available, check the bottom of the page..


    • Tax – Inclusive, Exclusive & GST
    • Multiple Products Units with Group Units like Boxes
    • Subscriptions Module


    Mobile Supported Point of Sale

    • Elegant Point Of Sale
    • Support for Multiple Payments
    • 3 POS Screens Style
    • Dedicated POS Style and Settings for each employee
    • POS Registers Log
    • QR Code Due Invoices

    Subscriptions/Recurring Invoice Module

    • Subscription Management Module for recurring invoices
    • Support for Online Card Payment
    • Preforma Invoice
    • Integrated Stock Manager
    • Get online payment with unique invoice link
    • Decent Invoice A4 & Compact POS Printing


    • Send Quotes with proposal as Email
    • Convert quotes to invoices
    • Customer can approve quote

    Stock Purchase Orders

    • Send Purchase receipt with your stock requirement to supplier
    • Integrated to Inventory Manager

    Stock Management

    • Improved & Intelligent Product Variations System
    • Track Stock Worth with category ,warehouse
    • Add Product Serials
    • Manage products with live stock status
    • Get Email Alerts of low stock items

    Client Management

    • Manage Customer and Contacts
    • Customer Wallet
    • Customer Reports

    Stock Suppliers

    • Manage Stock Purchase orders
    • Payment records
    • Suppliers Reports

    Accounts & Transactions

    • Custom Type Company Accounts
    • Organised Balance Sheet
    • Optional Dual Entry System
    • Custom Transactions and Transaction Categories


    • Custom tax,discount and grouped units per products
    • Delivery Note


    • Custom Roles & 70+ Permissions
    • Salary management with Payroll
    • Attendance with Self Attendance or Manual

    Project & Task Manager

    • Easy to use project manager linked with calender and Task Manager module
    • Employee can assign direct tasks to other employees and link to calender


    • Twilio, TextLocal, Clockwork, msg91, BulkSMS Gateway (bulksms.in) and Custom SMS Service Integration
    • Google reCaptcha (Optional) to enhance security
    • Short invoice URL in SMS (Bit.ly )
    • Notes
    • Automated Cron Jobs
    • Preloaded Payments Gateways
    • TAX Statements
    • Editable Email & SMS Templates

    Ready to use Payment Gateways

    • Stripe
    • PayPal

    Available languages are: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese-simplified, Czech, Dutch, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Khmer, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Urdu. Application is translated in the above languages and files included.
    As translation is the subject of improvement so you may find some inappropriate words in translation. It will be great if you help us to improve the translation. You can contribute the language files improvements, proper credits will be given in the application documentation. You can translate it to your language if your language is not listed above.

    RTL (Right to Left) support is available ..

    Customer Panel

    Admin Panel

  • Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System

    Employee Management

    Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System provides a centralized platform to manage all employee-related information, including personal details, employment history, attendance, leave management, and performance evaluations. It enables HR professionals to effectively track and analyze employee data, ensuring efficient workforce management.

    Payroll Processing

    The system includes robust payroll management capabilities, allowing organizations to automate the calculation of employee salaries, taxes, deductions, and benefits. It ensures accurate and timely payroll processing, eliminates manual errors, and provides comprehensive payroll reports.

    Recruitment and Onboarding

    This system simplifies the recruitment process by automating job posting, applicant tracking, resume screening, and interview scheduling. It also facilitates seamless onboarding by managing new hire paperwork, training schedules, and orientation processes.

    Performance Management

    Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System offers a robust performance management module that enables organizations to set and track employee goals, conduct regular performance appraisals, and provide constructive feedback. It allows managers to evaluate individual and team performance, identify skill gaps, and initiate performance improvement plans.

    Time and Attendance Tracking

    The system includes advanced time and attendance tracking features, allowing employees to log their working hours, breaks, and leaves. It ensures accurate payroll processing and provides insights into employee productivity and attendance patterns.

    Leave and Absence Management

    With Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System, employees can request leaves, and managers can efficiently manage and approve them. The system maintains a comprehensive record of leave balances, tracks absenteeism, and automates leave accruals according to company policies.

    Project Management

    This system incorporates robust project management tools, including task allocation, progress tracking, milestone management, and resource allocation. It facilitates effective collaboration among team members, improves project visibility, and ensures timely project completion.

    Document Management

    Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System offers a secure document management feature that allows users to store and manage employee-related documents, such as contracts, certifications, and performance reviews. It ensures easy access, version control, and compliance with data security regulations.

    Reporting and Analytics

    The system provides powerful reporting and analytics capabilities, generating insightful reports on various HR metrics, project progress, employee performance, and resource utilization. These reports help businesses make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.

    Mobile Accessibility

    The system is accessible through mobile applications, enabling employees and managers to access essential HR and project management functionalities on the go. This feature enhances flexibility and facilitates remote work.

    In summary, Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System is a comprehensive solution that combines essential HR and project management features. It optimizes workforce management, enhances collaboration, improves efficiency, and enables data-driven decision-making, ultimately leading to enhanced organizational productivity and success.

    it takes employee/staff attendance data exported from biometric attendance/fingerprint reader devices at your office/factory. This data is then used to calculate employee attendance, salary (payroll) etc.

    How it works

    • Register employees in your fingerprint attendance machine
    • Take fingerprint attendance of employees
    • Export attendance data from device and sync with Biometric Attendance HRM, Payroll & Project Management System
    • The final attendance report is shown in your attendance page


  • Work – HRM & Project Management


    Work – HRM & Project Management

    This is your ultimate Human Resource Management (HRM) system with Project Management. It is capable of capturing all the essential functionalities required for any enterprise and even more.

    It is a timely solution for upgrading your HR team and making the whole process more efficient. With it you can easily manage your enterprise, projects, and employees.

    It has a user-friendly and easy-to-customize system, as well as a dynamic dashboard you can trust. Furthermore, the installation process is so simple that it will be fully operational in less than 5 minutes.

    Therefore, the fact that all of this is contained within a single application is nothing short of miraculous. Also, if you want to replace the strewn about your office piles of paperwork and spreadsheets with a beautiful online people database complete with employee profiles. So, Get it today and save countless hours of frustrating work.


    HRM Features :

    We have given attention to every design element. The final result is what we believe to be an extremely user-friendly application. The application gives you & your HR team a single point of contact, to collaborate on projects.



    • Total Projects & Tasks –Helps to manage, add and keep records of all your projects.
    • Total employees & Clients – it allows you to find details and perform necessary functionalities to your employees’ and clients’ information. You can view all employees and clients registered in your company.
    • Weekly Expense & Deposit – Enables you to view your weekly expenses.
    • Projects by status – This allows you to keep track of the status of your projects.
    • Tasks by status – Keeps track of the status of certain tasks allocated to a project.
    • Employee count by department – You can view and manage employees according to their departments.
    • Expense vs Deposit – There is also a chart that shows your company’s expenses and earnings to efficiently and economically run your business.

    Employee :

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view Employee information.

    Export Employees’ information as Pdf & Excel & CSV file. Download this file to store in your local drive or use it for your necessary purposes.

    Client :

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view client information.

    Export Clients information as Pdf & Excel & CSV file. Download this file to store in your local drive or use it for your necessary purposes.

    Company Management :

    Create Multi-Company – You can create as many Comany you Want

    Create Multi Departments – Add and manage all the existing departments of your company in this single HRM platform. You can handle your employees by their department.

    Create Designations – Create and assign designations to your employees.

    Create Policy & Announcement – Add and update your company’s policy and announcement easily.


    HRM Management:

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain Office Shifts.

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain Events

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain Holidays

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain Awards

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain Complaints

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain Travels

    Attendance :

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain employees’ Daily Attendance



    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain your company’s Project works

    Assign one or more employees to an individual or multiple Projects

    Add one or more Tasks to an individual Project

    Add one or more Documents or Status Reports for keeping track of a Project

    Export your Projects information as Pdf & Excel & CSV files to store them in your local storage and use them for further necessities.



    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain the Tasks of any project

    Assign one or more employees to an individual or multiple Tasks

    Add one or more Documents or Status Reports for keeping track of a Task

    Export Tasks information as Pdf & Excel & CSV file as per your necessity.


    Leave Request:

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view to maintain Leave Requests

    Let take care of the Calculation of Remaining Leaves of an individual employee

    Export Leaves information as Pdf & Excel & CSV file for further necessities.



    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view Training programs of your company

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view Trainers of your company’s training programs

    add, edit, delete & view Training Skill

    Export Training program information as Pdf & Excel & CSV file

    Export Trainers information as Pdf & Excel & CSV file



    This HRM lets you Edit and Save your Company Logo, Company Name, Email, and necessary details. Edit SMTP Server and save your company’s email for sending and receiving Mail to your company’s dedicated email.

    Edit and customize your user profile and change password when necessary

    More than 110 permissions that you can assign to an individual or a group formed by departments or designations to manage your company efficiently

    Basic CRUD functionality where you can add, edit, delete & view Currencies

    Auto Upgrade with one Click

    Backup and Restore functionality for saving your company’s useful information in any case of data loss or server breakdown.



    Attendance Report

    Employee Report

    Project Report

    Task Report

    Expense Report

    Deposit Report



    Multilingual : (English, French, Arabic . More will be added soon)

    Export table contents to PDF or Excel or CSV

    Easy to install In 5 minute

    Easy to upgrade With One Click

    More than 110 permissions

    User-friendly & Easy to use

    Clean , Fast & Easy to Customize

    Detailed Documentation



    Dark Version Included

    RTL Support Added

    Clean And Organized Code

    Well Documented Code

    Standard Folder Structure

    And Many More Inside …

    Client Panel

    Employee Panel

    Admin Panel

  • Projects, Sales, Clients, Team With CRM And Many More


    Projects, Sales, Clients, Team With CRM And Many More is fast and easy to use. All UI designed to give you a quick navigation. You can download the full source code and install on your server. Customize it to meet your unique requirements. This is using the latest version of codeigniter 4. We are confident that will exceed your expectations and help you achieve your goals.

    Features Overview


    Projects, Sales, Clients, Team With CRM And Many More simplifies project management, streamlining your workflow for greater efficiency. With us, you can effortlessly oversee various team members’ tasks, accurately record time spent on each assignment, and generate comprehensive timesheets. Effortlessly invoice your clients and easily receive online payments for your projects.

    Auto-calculated project progress to stay on top of your goals. Create and manage milestones to ensure timely project completion.

    Engage in collaborative discussions with your team and gather valuable client feedback. Keep a keen eye on expenses with expense tracking feature, making project management smoother than ever before.


    Enhance your task management experience by incorporating a range of powerful features:

    Flexible task management: Manage tasks effortlessly using both list view and the intuitive Kanban view, allowing for drag-and-drop functionality. Add tasks in your projects or link with other features.

    Team collaboration: Assign tasks to team members and extend your collaboration efforts by including multiple contributors.

    Deadline management: Stay on top of your project’s timeline with the ability to set clear deadlines.

    Status tracking: Monitor the progress of your tasks and projects through status updates and detailed activity logs.

    Commenting and file attachments: Foster effective communication among team members with the option to comment on tasks and attach essential files.

    Mention and notification system: Keep everyone in the loop by mentioning specific users in comments and receiving instant notifications for updates.

    Priority highlighting: Pin important comments to ensure crucial information is easily accessible.

    Version control integration: Seamlessly track code commits from platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket, simplifying your software development tasks.

    Sub-tasks and dependencies: Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable sub-tasks and establish task dependencies for structured project planning.

    Checklist support: Enhance task details by incorporating checklists for comprehensive task management.

    Comprehensive time tracking: Easily access and review time logs recorded by various team members for each task. Plus, effortlessly share these time logs with your clients to maintain transparency and ensure accurate billing.

    Personalized reminders: Take control of your schedule by setting individual reminders for various tasks. Never miss an important follow-up or deadline, ensuring a proactive and organized approach to your work.

    Clone tasks: Duplicate tasks with a simple click to swiftly generate new, similar tasks.

    Recurring tasks: Automate recurring tasks using a cron job scheduler. If you find yourself tackling the same type of tasks at regular intervals, our system allows you to establish recurring tasks. Customize the time duration for each recurrence, ensuring tasks are created precisely when needed.

    Smart filters: Craft custom filters that align with your unique needs and preferences, then conveniently bookmark them for one-click access. The system remembers your last selected filter, ensuring a seamless user experience. Filter and focus on the tasks that matter most, streamlining your workflow for optimal productivity.


    Gain valuable insights into your team’s time allocation across various projects and tasks. Easily filter timesheets by team members, projects, and clients. Customize timesheet sharing with clients on a per-project basis, allowing you to enable or disable this feature as needed.

    Project milestones and Gantt chart

    Enhance your project planning with the inclusion of project milestones. Within these milestones, you can break down tasks for a comprehensive day-to-day overview of your project’s progress. Gain a clear and intuitive visualization of your project’s completion timeline through the use of a Gantt chart.


    Effortlessly handle your customers and their contacts. Register customers, add them manually, or import from Excel. Access comprehensive details on projects, tasks, invoices, payments, estimates, orders, contract details, proposals, tickets, notes, files, events, expenses, and more. Simplify monitoring by categorizing customers with client groups and labels.

    Client portal

    Empower your clients with the client portal, where each one enjoys a personalized dashboard to view their projects, invoices, proposals, orders, tickets, and more. Your clients can seamlessly track project progress and provide instant feedback. Customize permissions to control client access, ensuring they can communicate with authorized team members exclusively.


    Create polished, visually appealing invoices, complete with file attachments, and seamlessly deliver them to your clients, including the PDF invoice file. Get a CC copy of the sent invoices. Clients can conveniently make payments, whether or not they have a it account.

    Customize invoices with various currencies to accommodate diverse clients and handle both tax and non-taxable items effortlessly.

    Gain insight into your financials with an intuitive invoice summary report, offering a comprehensive overview by year, month, or customer.

    Credit notes

    Generate credit notes for any adjustments or amendments to your previously issued invoices.

    Recurring invoices

    Set up automated recurring invoices, ensuring timely billing and delivery to your customers at predefined intervals. Save your valuable time by automating the invoicing process, effortlessly sending invoices to your clients.

    Online payments

    Accept payments in various currencies while ensuring your customers receive automated payment notifications and have their invoices promptly marked as paid. It offers versatile online payment options through Stripe, PayPal, and Paytm, with the flexibility to enable or disable partial payments based on your needs.


    Accelerate your billing process with Stripe subscriptions through it. Easily generate Stripe subscriptions and share them with your customers. Once they accept, payments will be automatically processed according to the subscription period. It will generate invoices seamlessly for the subscriptions.

    We support both internal app subscriptions and Stripe subscriptions.If you don’t use the Stripe subscriptions, you can still use the internal app subscriptions.


    Effortlessly generate estimates and share them with your customers. Once they approve, you can convert the estimate into an invoice. Your clients can access estimates without needing to log in. Enhance client communication through the estimate comments to facilitate more effective negotiations. Additionally, optimize your follow-up process by setting timely reminders.

    Estimate requests

    Generate forms with tailored, predefined questions and enable your clients to submit these forms for more accurate estimations. This can help you secure additional projects and increase sales.


    Craft visually stunning proposals that leave a lasting impression on your clients. Stay informed with real-time notifications for important proposal events.

    Online store and orders

    Enable the online store for both your clients and visitors, allowing users to browse and place orders for items in the store. This facilitates the effortless sale of your services.

    Support tickets

    Empower your clients to initiate support tickets and receive timely notifications via web and email. It seamlessly auto-generates tickets from customer emails, facilitating efficient issue tracking and resolution. Allow customer engagement even without a login.

    Assign tickets to team members and respond to comments with attachments for comprehensive support. Insert predefined templates for quick reply, refer knowledge base links, add internal notes.

    Utilize visual ticket chart reports to enhance your follow-up process and gain a clearer understanding of your ticket management.

    Knowledge base

    By creating a comprehensive knowledge base, you provide your clients with the tools they need to resolve their issues efficiently, ultimately improving their support experience.

    Develop informative knowledge base articles for your clients, empowering them to find solutions to their inquiries independently.

    Organize articles into distinct categories, making it easier for customers to pinpoint the information they need, thereby reducing the need for direct support.

    Chat and Messages

    With us, you can engage in both chat and messaging with your clients and team members, all within a unified platform. Simplify communication and enhance collaboration for improved teamwork.


    Forge strong client contracts for your projects and other engagements, maintaining a steadfast commitment to trustworthy and transparent work.

    The contracts serve as a foundation for reliable and transparent collaboration. By meticulously detailing expectations, deliverables, and terms, you build trust with your clients, setting the stage for a successful and open working relationship.


    Clients can effortlessly e-sign their contracts, proposals, and estimates during the acceptance process, enhancing transparency in your work with your clients.


    Easily add and track leads, organizing them intuitively through drag-and-drop in kanban view. Import leads via Excel or auto-collect from external websites. Enhance lead details with notes, files, events, and the ability to send proposals, estimates, and contracts.Smoothly convert leads into clients to streamline your business processes.


    Efficiently manage your expenses with comprehensive tracking, including detailed project and team member cost insights. Analyze expenses across various categories and compare income versus expenditures effortlessly. Visualize your income and expenses through easy-to-read charts across different time periods. Plus, simplify your workflow by setting up recurring expenses for automated fixed expenses.

    Events calendar

    Manage your personal events or collaborate by sharing them with your team members and clients. Gain visibility into your project and tasks within the event calendar and receive on-screen event notifications to stay prepared before the event begins.

    Seamlessly integrate with Google Calendar for synchronization and keep track of upcoming events conveniently from your dashboard. Create recurring events to easily maintain specific events after a certain time period.

    Custom dashboards

    Recognizing that everyone has unique needs and preferences, we provides top-notch dashboard management that offers a user-friendly setup for creating stunning widgets through simple drag-and-drop actions. You can craft multiple dashboards, and the system will intelligently remember your last visited dashboard for your convenience on your subsequent visit.

    Additionally, you have the flexibility to create a default dashboard for all team members, and individuals can also add their personal dashboards to cater to their specific requirements.

    Personal todo list

    Create your personal todo list and manage your work more efficiently. Don’t forget to do any important task and stay focused on daily work. Each team member and client can add their personal todo list.


    In this, you can create personal notes to consolidate vital information in one central location. Collaboratively share these notes with project members to ensure critical information is readily accessible to the team.


    Establish reminders with varying contexts to facilitate more effective follow-ups. Ensure you never overlook important tasks and remain consistently informed and up-to-date.

    Custom fields

    Enhance flexibility by adding custom fields to clients, contacts, leads, projects, tasks, team members, tickets, invoices, events, expenses, estimates, contracts, proposals, orders, timesheets, project files, and subscriptions, tailoring your information storage to your specific needs.

    Efficiently manage access permissions by assigning different privileges to various fields. Organize field placement effortlessly through a drag-and-drop interface for maximum customization.

    Custom left menu

    Tailor your experience by easily reorganizing the left menu according to your preferences through a simple drag-and-drop feature. Customize the global left menu to suit the unique needs of either your team members or clients, granting flexibility in navigation. Users have the freedom to personalize their individual left menus for a truly tailored user interface.

    Change theme

    There are a variety of predefined theme colors at your fingertips, just a single click away. And if you prefer a darker aesthetic, we offer a dark theme as well. For those looking to align the design perfectly with their brand, you can also harness the power of custom CSS for further customization.

    Email templates

    Customize your email templates to align seamlessly with your brand, delivering an enhanced and cohesive experience to your clients. We offer the option to incorporate templates in multiple languages, ensuring effective communication with a diverse audience.


    Create different teams and add your team members. Seamlessly distribute events and notifications to designated teams. Customize permissions for each team according to your specific needs.

    Leave and Attendance

    Effortlessly oversee your team members’ leave applications and time cards. Receive instant notifications regarding leave requests and make efficient decisions to approve or reject them. Team members can easily clock in and out to record their daily work hours.

    Roles and permissions

    Take full control over the access permissions of your team members. Tailor roles and permissions to each team member, granting you the ability to manage their visibility and creation privileges in various contexts.

    Internal wiki

    Establish an internal wiki to enhance team knowledge and information sharing. Create an exclusive internal knowledge base for your team members, offering a repository of articles covering various rules and essential information.


    Share essential messages and updates with your clients and team members to keep everyone informed about upcoming events, holidays, and celebrations.


    Team members have the opportunity to share their ideas and knowledge with colleagues, and this can contribute to improving their knowledge base and fostering productive learning.


    Easily access a variety of insightful reports to gain a comprehensive overview of your business operations. With sales summary reports presented in both list and chart views.

    You can efficiently assess income and expenses across different time periods. Dive into timesheets to track the efforts of individual team members, projects, and clients. Additionally, explore team members’ project summaries, review the total number of projects per client, and analyze total timelog hours.

    For a deeper understanding of your business performance, compare lead conversion rates from different sources and team members, while also tracking daily progress throughout the month. Monitor ticket openings and closures through time period-specific charts, ensuring you stay well-informed about all aspects of your operations.


    Managing notifications has never been more straightforward. Take charge of all your notifications and determine who receives specific alerts. Enable notifications for web, email, and Slack to stay up to date.


    Enable GDPR to comply with General Data Protection Regulation.


    It is designed to be multilingual, offering both default languages and the flexibility to add your own. It also provides support for RTL layout.


    It is fully responsive, enabling you to access it effortlessly from your mobile devices and offering a user-friendly experience.

    Google Drive

    Integrate with the Google Drive, ensuring that all uploaded files are stored on Google Drive rather than consuming your server space.

    Google reCaptcha

    Enhance your security measures by adding an additional layer of protection to thwart unwanted login and sign-up attempts. Easily fortify your system by seamlessly integrating Google reCaptcha.

    Push notifications

    Activate browser push notifications by integrating with Pusher. Receive instant notifications for various actions, keeping you up-to-date in real-time.


    Incorporate custom pages to display supplementary information. Designate any custom page as your landing page for a tailored user experience.

    File manager

    It’s never been simpler to manage files. Organize your files easily by creating custom folders. Set different permissions and share them with your team members. Available in the client portal as well.

  • All In One Open Source Multi-Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS (SaaS)


    All In One Open Source Multi-Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS (SaaS)

    • Multi-Workspace Functionality: Efficiently manage multiple workspaces tailored to distinct companies for enhanced organizational control and flexibility.
    • Premium Add-ons Customization: Design your SaaS platform by seamlessly integrating Premium Add-ons that cater to your specific business requirements.
    • Full White Label Customization: Tailor the platform to your brand with a comprehensive white label setting for a seamless user experience.
    • Multi-Theme Interface: Choose from a range of visually appealing themes with various color options to personalize the user interface.
    • Flexible Add-on Pricing: Super Admin can establish custom monthly and yearly pricing for add-ons, providing pricing flexibility to suit diverse user needs.
    • Add-on Configuration: Configure specific setups within add-ons to precisely align the platform with your business processes.
    • Add-on Selection and Subscription: Empower users to select and subscribe to desired add-ons, enhancing adaptability to their unique needs.
    • Unified User Registration: Register a single user with multiple companies and roles using the same email, streamlining user management.
    • Visually Engaging Dashboards:
    • Present data effectively with visually attractive dashboards, facilitating insights and decision-making
    • Granular Roles and Permissions: Manage user access with roles and permissions, ensuring data security and controlled usage.
    • Comprehensive Business Modules: Seamlessly handle various business aspects, including products, services, proposals, invoices, projects, and project reports.
    • Robust Accounting Management: Effortlessly manage customers, vendors, banking, income, and expenses, and generate insightful reports.
    • Holistic HR Management: Streamline HR tasks with employee management, payroll, leave tracking, event management, document handling, and company policy administration.
    • Efficient CRM Tools: Manage leads, and deals, and generate reports to enhance customer relationship management.
    • Integrated POS System: Seamlessly controls warehouses, purchases, POS orders, Barcodes, and point-of-sale transactions. transactions.
    • Messenger Module: Facilitate communication within the platform through an integrated messenger module.
    • Enhanced User Experience: Provide image upload previews, password reset pages, and security via email verification.
    • Cloud Data Storage Integration: Seamlessly integrate with local, AWS, and Wasabi cloud data storage solutions for flexible data management.
    • Multi-Currency Support: Add and manage currencies as required for global accessibility.
    • Multi-Language Availability: Ensure global accessibility with support for multiple languages.
    • Customizable Layout Settings: Customize settings for RTL support, primary colors, sidebar preferences, and layout themes.
    • Print Customization: Personalize printed materials with attractive PDF templates and a customizable color palette.
    • Enhanced RTL Experience: Ensure a user-friendly experience for RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu.
    • Flexible Payment Methods: Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, Paypal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, SSPay, toyyibPay, PayTabs, Iyzipay, Payfast, Benefit, Cashfree, aamarPay, PayTR
    • Built on Laravel 9: Built on the reliable Laravel 10 framework for robust performance.

    Salient Features of All In One Open Source Multi-Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS (SaaS)


    This feature Multi-Workspace of this SaaS allows users to create and manage multiple workspaces within the ERP system. Each workspace functions as a separate environment where specific teams or departments can collaborate and work on their respective tasks. For example, you might have a workspace for accounting, another for human resources, and so on. Multi-workspace functionality helps keep data and processes organized and enables efficient communication and coordination across different parts of the organization.


    The multi-addon feature of this SaaS has the ability of your ERP product to support multiple add-ons or extensions. Add-ons are additional modules or features that can be integrated with the core ERP system to enhance its functionality and cater to specific business requirements. By supporting multiple add-ons, your ERP product offers flexibility and scalability, allowing customers to customize their system and add features as needed.

    Core SaaS Product

    The this SaaS supports you with the core functionality of your SaaS product. This includes your product’s primary features and services, such as project management, accounting, HRM, CRM, or any other area in which you specialize.

    Add-on Selection and Subscription

    The company as a user of this SaaS can browse and select the add-ons it wants to include in its subscriptions. Each add-on has a clear description and pricing information by the Super Admin. The company can choose the specific add-on it needs, based on its business requirements, and subscribe to them along with the core product.

    Subscription Tiers

    The SaaS offers multiple subscription tiers with pricing options for its basic package. It also offers pricing plans for add-ons, available regularly such as monthly or yearly basis. The Super Admin has the flexibility to adjust the pricing as needed, ensuring customization and cost management to meet the business requirements.

    Subscription Plan

    The subscription plan feature of this SaaS helps you manage the subscription details and add or remove the add-ons. While purchasing the add-ons, the company has to choose the number of users for that particular add-on. According to that, the company can create users regardless of the client, staff, or vendor.


    WordDo Dash SaaS simplifies the management of dashboards based on subscribed add-ons within the company. This means that specific add-ons such as “Project”, ”Accounting”, ”HRM”, ”CRM”, ”POS”, ”Support Tickets”, ”Sales”, and ”Rotas” will have dedicated dashboards showcasing all relevant details. The active add-on determines which dashboard is visible, allowing businesses to focus on the specific information and functionalities they require.

    Specific Setups in the Add-ons

    Upon purchasing add-ons like “Project”, “HRM”, ”CRM”, ”Support Ticket”, and ”Sales” in this SaaS, the users can access the system setup within each add-on. This allows for quick configuration of essential elements such as branches, departments, leads, account types, and more, aligning with the specific features and functionalities offered by each module. These setup options streamline the initial configuration process, enabling users to swiftly customize the system according to their organizational requirements within the respective add-on modules.

    Assign Roles to Each Staff

    With the multi-user feature of this SaaS, you can assign roles to clients, staff, and vendors. This enables you to manage their permissions and control their access to specific parameters, ensuring streamlined and secure collaboration within the system.

    Product and Service Add-on

    The SaaS product and service module offers a comprehensive insight into procured products and services, encompassing warehouse particulars. A standout attribute enables effortless import of product and service data through a .csv file. These details are readily accessible and intelligible, presented in user-friendly lists and grid views that deliver a clear snapshot of available offerings.

    The Setup option empowers users to craft, update, and remove categories while selecting distinctive colors for “Product & Services Category,” “Invoice/Proposal/Revenue Category,” “Tax,” and “Unit.” Specific categories are automatically incorporated upon add-on acquisition and feature inclusion.

    Within this segment, the product stock function facilitates inputting product quantities, and new product and service creation is seamlessly managed via this module.

    Proposal Module with QR Code

    Think of the Proposal Module in this SaaS as a tool that helps you make special offers or suggestions to people who might want to buy things from you. It’s like creating a detailed plan that shows what you’re offering, how much it costs, and all the important details. This tool makes it easier to organize these plans, so you can show them to customers. It helps keep track of everything and talk to customers about what they want. Just imagine it as a way to make deals and communicate better with your clients. And there’s even a QR code feature that adds a special code to the proposals for easy access!

    Invoice Module with QR Code

    This SaaS invoice module creates, manages, and tracks invoices accurately. Generate invoices from proposals, sales orders, with itemized details and payment terms. Streamline invoicing workflow, reduce errors, and provide financial analysis reports. Improve efficiency in billing process and ensure accurate record-keeping.


    Projects and Project Reports: Utilize this SaaS project module to start projects, assign teams, and invite collaborators and clients. Manage client access with adaptable permissions, set budgets, and milestones for clarity. Track project activities and progress in real-time via a dedicated tab and graphical representation. Update milestone progress conveniently with dropdown menus.

    Create Your Custom Domain with Dash SaaS

    Dash SaaS lets you effortlessly set up your custom domain, boosting your online brand presence. Configure your domain settings directly within your workspace for a seamless, branded experience. Take control of your online identity and stand out in the digital realm with Dash SaaS’s easy-to-use custom domain functionality.

    Customize Currency Settings

    With Dash SaaS’s Currency Settings feature, you can easily tailor Decimal Format, Default Currency, and separators to your business needs. Customize currency symbol space, position, and display according to your preferences. Adapt currency settings to regional conventions or branding requirements effortlessly. Ensure accurate and consistent currency representation across your platform with Dash SaaS.


    Customers and Vendors Access: Efficiently manage your customer database by generating individualized email addresses for each client. This enables customers to effortlessly log in and access their invoice statuses and transaction particulars whenever necessary. In addition, maintaining comprehensive records of shipping and billing addresses enhances trade convenience. Correspondingly, vendors can conveniently access their bills and transaction records through their designated email addresses, ensuring a streamlined and accessible trade experience.

    Create Account: Initiate account creation effortlessly and flexibly by seamlessly updating critical details such as the account holder’s name, bank name, account number, opening balance, and contact number. This system allows you to easily edit this essential information as needed, providing a smooth and adaptable account management experience.

    Transfer Money: Effortlessly uphold transaction records and easily facilitate fund transfers between bank accounts using a range of convenient methods. The system empowers you to effortlessly search for specific transfers through simplified options, enhancing clarity and accessibility in tracking transactions.

    Revenue Management: Efficiently logs newly generated revenue by initiating the creation of new revenue entries. Modify the revenue source and include relevant references for comprehensive documentation. Additionally, streamline your revenue tracking by applying filters based on accounts, customers, and categories, allowing for precise and organized revenue management.

    Manage Bills: Managing bills becomes a streamlined process with SaaS. You can effortlessly edit existing bills by adding payments, and with a simple click, download, print, or resend bills. The transition from “Draft” to “Sent” status makes bills visible to vendors, triggering email notifications to keep them in the loop. Monitoring payment statuses and updating payment summaries is hassle-free. Vendors benefit from multiple payment methods, including convenient QR code scanning.

    Payment Management: Efficiently record newly generated expenses by creating tailored payment entries. Modify payment categories and attach relevant references to maintain a comprehensive record of expenditures. Simplify expense tracking by applying filters based on accounts, customers, and categories, ensuring precision in expense management.

    Reports: Unlock valuable insights with a range of reports at your disposal. These encompass transaction details, account statements, income summaries, expense summaries, analyses of income versus expenses, tax summaries, profit and loss statements, invoice summaries, bill summaries, and product stock updates. Download most reports in versatile formats to match your needs, and elevate analysis with exported transactions and account statements in Excel files. Filters refine report data, and graphical representations of the Income vs. Expense chart and comprehensive Profit and Loss calculations empower informed decision-making. Tailor views of tax summaries and Income vs. Expense charts by selecting specific financial years, enabling strategic financial planning.


    Employee: This SaaS streamlines employee management by facilitating the creation and oversight of comprehensive employee profiles. These profiles encompass personal information, company details, essential documents, and bank account particulars. Designate employees to specific branches, departments, roles, and designations, and efficiently manage vital documents such as joining letters, experience certificates, and NOCs.

    Salary Parameters: Tailor payslips effortlessly by adding components like allowances, commissions, overtime, and miscellaneous payments, while also accounting for deductions such as saturation and loans. This simplified process leads to the seamless generation of monthly payslips.

    Payslip: Instantly generate monthly payslips and efficiently process bulk payments with simple clicks. Modify payslip statuses conveniently using intuitive Call-to-Action buttons. Employees gain insights into their salary breakdowns, empowering transparency.

    Leave Management: Effortlessly maintain and track leave data by creating new leave records. This feature provides comprehensive insights into leave types, reasons, and durations. Approve or reject leave requests with ease.

    Attendance Module: Efficiently manage employee attendance, especially in large organizations, through this module. Precisely monitor attendance for numerous employees within seconds. Filter attendance data based on dates and months for quick insights.

    Bulk Attendance Module: Simplify attendance tracking for individual employees or groups with the Bulk Attendance Module. Seamlessly add and update clock-in and clock-out timings in bulk.

    HR Admin: The HR admin module within SaaS offers a range of capabilities. The Holiday function empowers companies to create holidays visible on the calendar and importable via Excel files. HR Admin options, including Awards, Transfers, Resignations, Trips, Promotions, Complaints, Warnings, Terminations, and Announcements, are all under the company’s purview. Creation and management of documents and company policies are overseen by the company, with limited viewing access for employees.

    Events and Reports: Stay prepared for upcoming events by assigning employees and departments to event reminders. Easily create events and descriptions for seamless organization. Access detailed monthly attendance reports sorted by branch and department, as well as branch and department-wise leave reports on both monthly and yearly bases.

    IP Restrict Features: Enhance security through IP Restrict Features, enabling the organization to specify which IP addresses can access specific accounts. Registered IP addresses on the company’s side prevent fraudulent entries and ensure secure access.


    Leads Management: Effortlessly oversee generated leads through both Kanban and List views. Establish pipelines and assign stages to diverse leads. Enhance lead management by incorporating Users, Items, Files, Notes, Sources, Call Details, Emails, and Discussions. All essential lead information is presented in a well-organized layout for easy reference.

    Deal Management: Similar to Leads Management, view deals using Kanban or List views. Gain insights into deals spanning a week, a month, and the past 30 days. Seamlessly allocate Tasks, Products, Files, and Users for each deal. Manage discussions and notes with ease. Experience a Kanban view for comprehensive deal insight. In essence, dealing with deals has never been more streamlined.

    Reports: Access comprehensive reports that delve into lead and deal conversion for specific weeks. These reports shed light on conversion sources and are complemented by monthly graphs that visually represent overarching trends and patterns.

    Form Builder: The Form Builder in CRM is a helpful tool that allows you to create customized forms for collecting important information from your customers or leads. It’s like creating a digital questionnaire or survey that you can use to gather specific details from people.


    Warehouse and Sales Management: This SaaS offers a streamlined approach to establishing and overseeing multiple warehouses. Furthermore, it simplifies the efficient management of products and services sourced from various vendors, thoughtfully categorized based on pre-registered categories.

    POS and Sales Order Management: Experience the convenience of this SaaS as it facilitates a seamless shopping experience. Effortlessly add products to the cart by selecting the relevant warehouse. This feature caters to both existing and walk-in customers, ensuring seamless sales via the Point of Sale (POS) management system.


    Effective communication is a vital cornerstone of any business. This SaaS offers a user-friendly Messenger Module that ensures direct and consistent interaction with users and clients, fostering seamless and immediate communication.

    Email Templates managed by Super Admin

    Simplify your communication process with the Email Templates feature in this SaaS. Instead of crafting new emails from scratch each time, users can select from pre-defined or personalized email layouts. This approach ensures preparedness, maintains consistency in drafts, enhances accessibility, and minimizes the effort required for repetitive email composition. These templates can be customized to suit diverse needs, improving efficiency and professionalism in your communication.

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

    Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
    It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration requirements. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

    AI Module

    The AI module is a transformative feature that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities across various modules, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness throughout the platform. By harnessing the power of AI’s predictive analytics, automation, and intelligent insights, this module elevates user experiences and outcomes across functions like employee management, CRM, financial management, project management, HRM, POS, inventory management, data analytics, and reporting. With AI, businesses can make data-driven decisions, automate processes, and adapt to changing scenarios with greater accuracy and agility, making it an invaluable asset across our suite of products.

    Userlogged Details Module

    The userlogged module is used to track and manage user login activities. The basic functionality of a userlogged module would be to keep track of each user’s login activity, including the time and date of each login, the user’s IP address, and any other relevant information. That can be used to monitor user activity and ensure that only authorized users are accessing the system. Overall, a userlogged module can be a useful tool for maintaining the security and integrity of a software system by ensuring that user logins are properly tracked and monitored.

    Our Complimentary Add-ons

    Product Service
    Effortlessly manage your products and services with our intuitive Add-on

    Simplify content management with our versatile CMS Add-on

    Streamline Project Management and Collaboration: Assign tasks, milestones, and bugs, track progress, and enhance team productivity effortlessly

    Simplify Accounting, Inventory, and Billing with Ease: Streamline financial management, control inventory effortlessly, and automate billing for your business

    Effortlessly Manage Your HR Needs: Simplify employee management, streamline recruitment, and handle payroll with ease using this comprehensive HRM system

    Simplify Sales Management: Boost your business efficiency with an all-in-one POS solution that streamlines sales, tracks inventory and barcodes, and simplifies your day-to-day operations

    Efficiently Manage Leads and Deals: Streamline lead and deal management, convert prospects into customers, and make informed decisions with this CRM system

    We have complimentary Add-ons for Stripe and Paypal



    In conclusion, this SaaS emerges as a comprehensive and versatile solution designed to elevate organizational efficiency and streamline various facets of business operations. With its array of functionalities spanning multi-workspace capabilities, customizable add-ons, and a user-friendly interface, the platform empowers users to tailor their experiences to specific needs. From efficient collaboration through seamless communication tools to robust project, financial, and HR management, this SaaS offers a unified ecosystem for optimizing productivity and operational effectiveness. Its intuitive features, including email templates and comprehensive reporting, ensure that businesses can easily adapt, communicate, and make informed decisions. Ultimately, this SaaS stands as an essential tool for modern enterprises seeking to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and achieve remarkable efficiency in their day-to-day operations.


  • All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS


    All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS

    • A comprehensive dashboard with all requisite information under one tab
    • Easy management of staff details, be it, employees or clients, with easy filter options
    • Management of various aspects of HR. From Attendance to Resignation, from Training to Performance, everything related to employee management becomes easy with us
    • Managing Pre Sales effectively through Leads, Deals, and Estimate Management
    • Kanban and List view for the convenience of users
    • Manage the minutest aspects of the project for effective implementation
    • Manage Invoices, Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes through easy clicks. Never miss the due date from now on
    • Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill
    • Proposals, Invoices, and Bills details can be checked with QR codes
    • Customer/ Vendor Statement Report
    • Contract Module for Digital Signature
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • Stock/ Inventory Management
    • New Stock Report
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • Email Templates
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
    • Project Report Module
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Google Calendar for Meetings, Holidays, Events, Project Tasks, Interview Schedules, Zoom Meetings
    • Build on Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Experience Certificate, and NOC
    • Form Builder
    • POS Module
    • Discount on POS Products
    • Barcode Print Module in POS System
    • Manage leads, and deals, and generate reports to enhance customer relationship management.
    • Seamlessly controls warehouses, purchases, POS orders, and point-of-sale transactions.
    • Thermal Print in POS Module
    • Added iframe embed link in the form builder
    • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
    • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Twilio Integration
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • Keep a tab on expiring contracts
    • Chat with users without having to switch tools
    • Manage your goals with us
    • Budget Planning Feature
    • Get a detailed report on each aspect of the Project, Sales, HR, and Pre-sales
    • Customize your business, system, and print settings in us
    • Available in Multiple languages
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
    • Built with Laravel 10

    Salient Features of All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS

    The Stunning Dashboard

    It has the most comprehensive dashboard with all the essential details under one head. We all can agree that dashboards have made our lives easier. Well, from every minute detail like total Clients, Users, Invoices, Projects, and estimations to Leads, Deals, and items, you can get quantitative data in the most simple layout. You get an overview of Estimates, Invoices, top-due Payments, Projects, and Tasks to take timely actions. Get a reminder of meeting Schedules, Expiring Contracts, Weekly Events, and new clients as you scroll down. Lastly, a Pie Chart can help you understand various project statuses. In short, every activity of your business can be handled through this useful tool.

    Manage Staff

    Manage your Employee and Client’s personal as well as company details through easy-to-create options. You can edit and manage the information and status at your convenience. You can search for staff through easy filter options based on department and designation.

    Assign roles to each staff

    Our multi-user accounting tool allows you to assign roles to each of your staff. By managing their permissions gain control over their access to certain parameters.

    Employee Management

    Through a detailed HR section, you can manage Attendance, Bulk Attendance, Holidays, Leaves, Meetings, Assets, Documents, and Company Policies. Create, Edit, and Filter at your convenience. You get a detailed understanding of each aspect of the employee. You can also manage Awards, Transfers, Promotions, Complaints, and many such HR aspects of employees with easy tabs. The training and Performance of each employee can be planned, handled, and taken care of with us.


    With the help of the Payroll module, the set salary feature will help you to set the salary of your employees, particularly under various different heads set by you. Also, with the payslip feature, you can generate bulk payments.

    Added Performance Module Like Indicator, Appraisal & Goal Tracking


    The overall performance of each Designation of each Department of the Branches is given which includes a total of three competencies namely, Technical, Organizational, and Behavioral. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.


    Any of the goals including, temporary, short-term, long-term, etc. can be set through this module. One can update the progress by editing the entry manually. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.

    Added Chat Module

    Direct Communication is an important aspect of any business. The easy-to-access and use Chat Module provided in us, helps you to be in direct and constant touch with the users and clients.

    Added Contract Module

    Contract Module is very helpful for proper documentation of the contracts done with clients showing the type of contract, the value, and time duration. The predefined settings can be done/ updated through Setup.

    Manage Pre-Sale


    You can view all the generated leads through a Kanban and List view. Create pipelines and assign stages to various leads. You can manage the leads by adding Users, Items, Files, Notes, Sources, Call Details, Emails, and Discussions. Get all the requisite information on any particular lead in an easily laid layout.


    Just like lead management, you can view deals in Kanban or List view. Get an overview of deals in a week, month, and deals in the last 30 days. Assign Tasks, Products, Files, and Users for each deal. Manage discussions and notes. Also, get a calendar view for every deal detail. In short, managing deals has never been easier.


    Keep a tab on issued estimates. Manage the estimates by assigning Clients, Status, and Expiry Dates to each. You can easily generate new estimates by assigning Clients, Categories, Issues, and Expiry Dates. You can add items in the required quantity and apply discounts and tax as requisite. Generate estimates within minutes through ERPGo.

    Added Form Builder

    Create and manage various required forms with diverse form fields, like, Text, Email, Number, Date, and Description as per the business needs of the users at large.

    Project Management


    You can manage and filter each project available in Kanban and List view again. Get an overview of Project Status, Expenses, Budget, and Due Date to manage projects. Add or Remove the users and check tasks completed by them. Create a task list and assign priority to each task. Get an overview of tasks through the Kanban board. Add Milestones, Notes, Files, Comments, Payments, Timesheets, Client Feedback, Expenses, Invoices, and anything related to the project. Think of a project and consider everything you would need to manage for a successful project. Well, you get to manage them easily with us.


    Successful project implementation requires small tasks that can help achieve the ultimate goal. Well, you can manage various tasks through an easy filter option. View the priority of each task and the due dates to complete each task. You can also add a checklist for tasks and track your progress. Again add comments and files as required.


    Create a timesheet by assigning Projects, Tasks, and Users. Assign a starting and ending date as well as a time. This allows you to manage your project most efficiently.

    Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill

    Isn’t it effortless to check the inventory status of each of the items you are using for your business activities? Sounds Fascinating!
    Here, through the inventory management feature, you can monitor the inventory of each item you have registered with you. After generating the Invoice/ Bill, the quantity will automatically be updated in “Product & Services” for scrutiny. Overall, it is painless to maintain the inventory level of the products.

    Customer/ Vendor Statement Report

    With the help of this “Customer/ Vendor Statement Report” Module, you can review the filtered particulars of that customer/ vendor for a certain period. This statement report includes the start and end dates, order details, and payment details along with the transaction history with the customer/ vendor.

    Thermal Print in Sales Module

    The main goal of a business is to cut both fixed and operational costs. Thermal Print’s feature here is extremely helpful. Thermal Printing is faster than other printing with fast and accurate services of Faster Labeling, Package Printing, and Receipt Printing. It also offers quick printing, sharpness, and high quality. In addition, it does not use ink and has fewer moving parts, resulting in lower operating costs. Additionally, the increasing use of portable POS systems and credit card machines necessitates thermal prints.

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.

    Email Templates

    The email templates feature enables the user to choose from pre-defined and individualized email layouts rather than creating an entirely new email each time. Additionally, this provides readiness, uniformity of drafts, accessibility, and reduced effort required to draft the same email repeatedly. These templates can be created according to various needs.

    An inline frame (iframe) of a form builder performs as an external form of the product which can be attached to any of the other websites without redirecting the internal form and getting the responses to the main product. This mainly works as a third party to get more leads from various websites.

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
    It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

    Twilio Integration

    The Twilio Integration for receiving the text messages of the jobs performed is a very handy and convenient feature. You can get an instant text message of the activities on the registered mobile number even when your phone is not connected to the internet, which is one of the most important benefits of Twilio Integration.

    Managing Items

    Add items and assign Categories, Purchases, Sales Prices, Taxes, Units, and Product types to them. Conclusively, everything you would want to keep a tab on.

    Double Entry Module for Accounting

    The Double Entry module within ERPGo is the cornerstone of robust financial management, comprising six crucial columns. The “Chart of Accounts” column lays the foundation, offering a comprehensive view of account details, including codes, names, types, journal and transaction balances, and status. “Journal Account” records specific transaction details, while the “Ledger Summary” column provides historical snapshots of account balances. The “Balance Sheet” column facilitates the creation of this vital financial statement. Additionally, the “Profit and Loss” section generates income statements, and the “Trial Balance” ensures the accuracy of the entire accounting system by reconciling debit and credit balances. This module empowers organizations to maintain precise financial records, track transactions, and produce essential financial reports, fostering transparency, compliance, and informed decision-making.

    Sales Management

    Manage various aspects of sales like sending Invoices, making Payments, managing Expenses, and Credit Notes in a single tool. You can create new invoices and edit existing ones. Add new products and receipts to existing Invoices, edit Payments and Products. Resend the Invoices, send the payment reminders, and print the Invoices simply through a click. Similarly, you can manage Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes with the utmost ease. All in all, keep all your sales fears at bay.

    Budget Planner

    A budget is a financial plan for a specified period to keep in check with the working capital. This feature here helps to maintain the capital flow. You can set monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly budgets according to your business plans and needs. The main categories are “Income” and “Expense” where one can edit /update /delete the sub-categories as well.

    Keep a tab on Contracts

    It’s hard to keep everything aligned in business. However, never miss a contract date from now on. Manage your contracts with utmost ease by assigning Start and Due Dates along with Contract Type, Value, Client, and a Description if required.

    Events and Notice Board

    Always be prepared for an upcoming event. Assign Employees and Departments to each event reminder. Create Events and add Descriptions to always keep a tab. Create and Issue a notice to Users, Clients, or Employees.

    Goals and Notes

    You can create goals and choose whether or not to display them on the Dashboard. You can also add files to your notes for support. Simple, isn’t it?


    Management shall go to waste if its result cannot be seen in reports. You can get a detailed report in the form of Graphs for Tasks, Time Logs, Financial Details, and Incomes/ Expenses. You can filter and search for reports for a specific time. Also get a detailed report of Leaves, Estimates, Invoices, and many similar aspects.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.

    Business Settings

    Manage business and company settings. Customize your system settings and print settings for Invoices and estimates. Also, manage the pusher settings.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

  • Customer Relation With Projects, Accounting, Leads, Deals & HRM Tool (SaaS)


    What to expect from Customer Relation With Projects, Accounting, Leads, Deals & HRM Tool (SaaS)

    • A comprehensive dashboard with all requisite information under one tab
    • Easy management of staff details, be it, employees or clients, with easy filter options
    • Management of various aspects of HR. From Attendance to Resignation, from Training to Performance, everything related to employee management becomes easy with us
    • Managing pre-sales effectively through Leads, Deals, and estimate management
    • Kanban and list view for the convenience of users
    • Manage the minutest aspects of the project for effective implementation
    • Manage invoices, payments, expenses, and credit notes through easy clicks. Never miss the due date from now on
    • Keep a tab on expiring contracts
    • Chat with users without having to switch tools
    • Manage your goals with us
    • Added Employee Bank Detail & Emergency Contact
    • Added Project Task Time Tracker Module
    • Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill
    • Email Notification Module
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • Project Report Module
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • New Stock Report
    • Budget Planner
    • Google Calendar for Zoom Meetings, Events, Leaves, Task Module
    • Import/Export in Excel in Employee, Client, Holiday, Asset, Item, Meeting, Award, Invoices, Credit Notes, Goals
    • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
    • Added iframe embed link in the form builder
    • Company can upload payment receipts while adding manual payment
    • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
    • Owner can send plan request & Admin can accept or reject plan request (Manually Payment Gateway)
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Twilio Integration
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • Add Security for Prevent Back Button after Logout in All Module
    • Get a detailed report on each aspect of the Project, Sales, HR, and presales
    • Customize your business, system, and print settings in CRM Solution
    • Available in Multiple languages
    • Display, the Users last login time in the client & employee list.
    • Double Entry: Chart of Accounts, Journal Entry, General Ledger, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
    • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, Yokassa, Midtrans, and Xendit.
    • Built with Laravel 10


    Salient Features of Customer Relation With Projects, Accounting, Leads, Deals & HRM Tool (SaaS)

    Create plans and make payment- a special SAAS feature

    With a Super Admin Login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select appropriate pricing and duration for the created plan. Make payments using various payment gateways. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

    The Stunning Dashboard

    This has the most comprehensive dashboard with all the essential details under one head. We all can agree that dashboards have made our lives easier. Well, from every minute detail like total Clients, Users, Invoices, Projects, and Estimations to Leads, Deals, and Items, you can get quantitative data in the most simple layout. You get an overview of Estimates, Invoices, top Due Payments, Projects, and Tasks to take timely actions. Get a reminder of Meeting Schedules, Expiring Contracts, Weekly Events, and New Clients as you scroll down. Lastly, a Pie Chart can help you understand various project statuses. In short, every activity of your business can be handled through this useful tool.

    Manage Staff

    Manage your Employee and Client’s personal as well as company details through easy-to-create options. You can edit and manage the information and status at your convenience. You can search for staff through easy filter options based on Department and Designation.

    Employee Management

    Through a detailed HR section, you can manage Attendance, Holidays, Leaves, Meetings, Assets, Documents, and Company Policies. Create, Edit, and Filter at your convenience. You get a detailed understanding of each aspect of the employee. You can also manage Awards, Transfers, Promotions, Complaints, and many such HR aspects of employees with easy tabs. Training and performance of each employee can be planned, handled, and taken care of with us.

    Chat Module

    Direct Communication is an important aspect of any business. The easy-to-access and use Chat Module provided in, helps you to be in direct and constant touch with the staff members and clients.

    Bulk Attendance Module

    Manually adding and updating the clock-in and clock-out timings of one employee and more than one employee can be easily done with the help of the Bulk Attendance Module.

    Manage Pre-Sales


    You can view all the generated leads through a Kanban and List view. Create pipelines and assign stages to various leads. You can manage the leads by adding Users, Items, Files, Notes, Sources, Call Details, Emails, and Discussions. Get all the requisite information on any particular lead in an easily laid layout.


    Just like Lead Management, you can view deals in Kanban or List view. Get an overview of deals in a week, month, and deals in the last 30 days. Assign Tasks, Products, Files, and Users for each deal. Manage discussions and notes. Also, get a calendar view for every deal detail. In short, managing deals has never been easier.


    Keep a tab on issued estimates. Manage the estimates by assigning Clients, Status, and Expiry Dates to each. You can easily generate new estimates by assigning Clients, Categories, Issues, and Expiry Dates. You can add items in the required quantity and apply discounts and tax as requisite. Generate estimates within minutes through with the help of a QR Scan.


    Create and manage various required forms with diverse form fields, like, Text, Email, Number, Date, and Description as per the business needs for leads and data.

    Project Management


    You can manage and filter each project available in Kanban and List view again. Get an overview of Project Status, Expenses, Budget, and Due Date to manage projects. Add or Remove the Users and check tasks completed by them. Create a task list and Assign priority to each task. Get an overview of tasks through the Kanban board. Add Milestones, Notes, Files, Comments, Payments, Timesheets, Client Feedback, Expenses, Invoices, and anything related to the project. Think of a project and consider everything you would need to manage for a successful project. Well, you get to manage them easily with us.


    Successful project implementation requires small tasks that can help achieve the ultimate goal. Well, you can manage various tasks through an easy filter option. View the Priority of each task and the Due Dates to complete each task. You can also add a checklist for tasks and track your progress. Again add Comments and Files as required.


    Create a timesheet by assigning Projects, Tasks, and Users. Assign a Starting and Ending Date as well as Time. This allows you to manage your project most efficiently.

    Inventory Management in Invoice and Bill

    Isn’t it effortless to check the inventory status of each of the items you are using for your business activities? Sounds Fascinating!
    Here, through the inventory management feature, you can monitor the inventory of each item you have registered with you. After generating the Invoice, the quantity will automatically be updated in “Items” for scrutiny. Overall, it is painless to maintain the inventory level of the products.

    Budget Planner

    A budget is a financial plan for a specified period to keep in check with the working capital. This feature here helps to maintain the capital flow. You can set monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly budgets according to your business plans and needs. The main categories are “Income” and “Expense” where one can edit /update /delete the sub-categories as well.

    An inline frame (iframe) of a form builder performs as an external form of the product which can be attached to any of the other websites without redirecting the internal form and getting the responses to the main product. This mainly works as a third party to get more leads from various websites.

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
    It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

    Twilio Integration

    The Twilio Integration for receiving the text messages of the jobs performed is a very handy and convenient feature. You can get an instant text message of the activities on the registered mobile number even when your phone is not connected to the internet, which is one of the most important benefits of Twilio Integration.

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.

    Managing Items

    Add items and assign Categories, Purchase and Sales Prices, tax, Units, and Product Types to them. Conclusively, everything you would want to keep a tab on.

    Sales Management

    Manage various aspects of sales like sending Invoices, making Payments, managing Expenses, and Credit Notes in a single tool. You can create new invoices and edit existing ones. Add new products and receipts to existing Invoices, edit payments and products. Resend the Invoice, send the payment reminders, and print the Invoice simply through a click. Similarly, you can manage Payments, Expenses, and Credit Notes with the utmost ease. All in all, keep all your sales fears at bay.

    Display Paid, Due & Credit Note Amount in Invoice PDF

    The user can update the invoices with the appropriate display of Paid, Due, and Credit Note Amount while generating the PDF.

    Keep a tab on Contracts

    It’s hard to keep everything aligned in business. However, never miss a contract date from now on. Manage your contracts with utmost ease by assigning Start and Due Date along with Contract Type, Value, Client, and a Description if required.

    Add Gantt Chart for Project Task

    The presentation of data through Gantt Charts makes both the company and employee mark the progress of tasks and/ or projects. Also, there are other 2 views i.e., Kanban View and List View available for the convenience of users for the presentation.


    A unique support code would be generated for each query. You can assign priority and attachments. Easily manage the support queries by keeping a tab on them.

    Events and Notice Board

    Always be prepared for an upcoming event. Assign employees and departments to each event reminder. Create Events and Add Descriptions to always keep a tab. Create and Issue a notice to Users, Clients, or Employees.

    Email Notification Module

    When the company updates anything about the project i.e., Creating Project, Assigning Project, Project Finished, and so on, will be notified to the concerned parties through the registered Email IDs. The predefined Email Templates are a readily available tool for the same.

    Goals and Notes

    You can create goals and choose whether or not to display them on the dashboard. You can also add files to your notes for support. Simple, isn’t it?


    Management shall go to waste if its result cannot be seen in reports. You can get a detailed report in the form of Graphs for Tasks, Time Logs, Financial Details, Income/ Expenses, and Leads. You can filter and search for reports for a specific time. Also get a detailed report of Leaves, Estimates, Invoices, and many similar aspects.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

    CRM Settings

    Manage Business and Company Settings. Customize your system settings and print settings for Invoices and Estimates with the QR Scan. Also, manage the Pusher Settings.



  • Project and Lead Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)


    What to expect from Project and Lead Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    • A visually attractive dashboard to understand business activities
    • Restriction on client and user permissions
    • Curation of various roles for users by selecting permissions on various modules
    • Ease in client assigning for generated leads
    • Checklist method for task achievement by creating milestones
    • Maintenance of personal notes for easy reference
    • Manage Invoices and Expenses on multiple projects along with client
    • Availability in multiple languages makes it a tool accessible on global platforms
    • Kanban board management for managing leads and tasks
    • Your client can pay invoices via Paypal and Stripe based on your setting
    • Invoice Module with QR Code
    • Chat Module
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • Contract Module for Digital Signature
    • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
    • Project Report Module
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Google Calendar for Zoom Meetings, Task Module
    • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
    • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
    • Company can send plan requests & admin can accept or reject plan request (Manually Payment Gateway)
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Add currencies according to the requirement as well as company profile setting for invoice purposes
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • 10 attractive PDF templates and a color palette to customize your invoice
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
    • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 20+ diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, toyyibPay, PayFast, SSPay, Iyzipay, PayTabs, Benefit, Cashfree, aamarPay, Yookassa, Midtrans, and Xendit.
    • Built with Laravel 10


    Salient Features of Project and Lead Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    Create Plans and Get Payment – A Special SaaS Feature

    With a Super Admin Login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select appropriate pricing and duration for the created plan. You can allot Users, Clients, and a Maximum Number of Projects. Get payment using Stripe and PayPal payment gateway. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

    An Efficient Dashboard

    Get an overview of total Leads, Projects, Invoices, and Staff along with a reminder list of Top Due Payments, Projects, and Tasks of an organization. A task overview graph shows weekly task achievements whereas a Project Pie Chart will give a visual status of various projects undertaken by a business.

    Multi-User and Multi-Client

    Appoint multiple users on various deals. You could assign roles to them and control their access to certain parameters by assigning permissions. Assign multiple clients on the same deal. Thus, the multi-user, multi-client feature facilitates ease in deal management.

    Add Users and Clients by assigning Roles and Restricting Permission

    Create new users and control their access to certain parameters by assigning them roles. Similarly, you could restrict the client’s access to projects by allowing them selected permissions. Thus, users and clients could access the project within prescribed limits.

    Manage Leads based on Clients

    Manage various generated leads through Multiple stages of the Kanban Board System. Assign the Client and User on the concerned lead and select from a list of lead generation sources. Make important notes and fix the price of an individual lead.

    Project Management

    Create New Projects

    Create new projects based on generated leads by assigning users and budgets to them. Set a deadline for the selected project. Add labels and detailed product descriptions to avoid confusion.

    Task Management

    Manage multiple tasks of the same project through the Kanban Board system. Create new tasks under milestones by setting a priority and due date. Create a Checklist to measure the progress of a task. Attach important files and add comments.

    Project Overview

    Get numeric accuracy on the project’s budget and expenses along with a statistical display of progress, tasks, and remaining days.

    Change the status of the project with a simple drop-down menu and create milestones on a particular project. Add users and restrict client permissions. Upload essential files and keep a tab on project activity.


    Create a timesheet by assigning the project and its task. Allocate the task hours and task date. You can keep a tab on task hours and improve your efficiency.

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.

    Calendar and Notes

    Never miss a task, project, or any important deadline ever. Get an overview of your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plans. You can also keep notes for quick and easy reference.

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
    It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.


    Chat with existing users through an easy chat portal. You can send and receive important messages without getting distracted.

    Manage Estimates

    Create new estimates and assign clients, tax percent, and issue dates accordingly. Edit the content of existing estimates and change their status. You can also delete unnecessary estimates after they are fully paid. You can check the statuses of estimates with the help of a QR Scan as well.

    Invoice Management

    Create an invoice for projects by assigning due dates and tax rates. Edit existing invoices by adding additional items. Add payments through available payment modes. Manage tax rates according to company standards. The client can pay invoices by PayPal and Stripe based on your setting.

    Expense Management

    Manage new expenses by selecting from various categories on the given project. Assign the user to an expense and keep a clear tab on the amount and date on which the given expense occurred. A file could be attached to support the evidence. Update existing expenses in case of any changes.

    Company Setting

    Customize your system settings by adding your currencies and selecting their symbols and positions. Choose the date and time format and assign a prefix to the invoice. Add company details along with your mail id to your system settings.

    Manage Mail Templates

    Manage the status of mail templates and view the action on each template.

    System Setup / Constant

    Under system setup settings, manage lead and project stages by assigning them unique colors. Create sources of lead generation and add payment methods to your system. Manage various expense categories and create product units according to business needs.

    Add Users and Clients on Projects

    This feature enables the user and clients to only see the permitted project, lead, and invoice as and when they log in with their separate IDs.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

    User Panel

    Staff Panel

    Admin Panel

    Super Admin Panel


  • Customer Relation, Projects, HRM and Finance Management System


    Core Features

    • CRM Management System
      • Clients Management
      • Projects Management
      • Tasks Management
      • Sales Management
      • Leads Management
    • HR Management System
      • Employees/Users & Roles Permission
      • Attendance Management
      • Leave Management
      • Payroll Management
      • Performance Management
      • Meeting/Appointment Management
    • Finance Management System
      • Account Management
      • Invoice Management
      • Expense Management
      • Transaction Management
      • Payment Management
    • Reports
      • Employee Reports
      • Attendance Reports
      • Leave Reports
      • Payroll Reports
      • Project Reports
      • Task Reports
      • Lead Reports
      • Client Reports
      • Account Reports
      • Invoice Reports

  • Project and Task Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)


    What to expect from Project and Task Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    • An effective dashboard to understand various aspects of tasks and projects
    • Access to tools in multiple languages
    • Feasibility in finding tasks with a search tab on the top
    • Task management through kanban drag and drop
    • Management of expense and timesheet of projects
    • Various options for task details like a checklist, add a favorite, attachment, multi-user, etc.
    • Multiple user allowance for convenience with different module permission
    • Dark mode feature that is adaptive to DPI screens
    • A lot of project settings options
    • Email templates to send prompt Emails immediately
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • Contract Module for Digital Signature
    • Project Report Module
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Google Calendar for Events
    • Import/Export in Excel in Project, Member, Invoice
    • Themes Color Setting, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
    • Owner can send plan request & Admin can accept or reject plan request (Manually Payment Gateway)
    • Attractive charts and reports
    • Add your Client and User of Project
    • Task Grid View
    • Added Task wise Time tracking
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • The owner can send a plan request & the admin can accept or reject the plan request
    • Display, the Users last login time in the member list
    • Send and Receive Invoice with the help of QR Codes
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Default Language option
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
    • Any of the plans’ payments can be done using 10 diverse payment gateways namely Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, toyyibPay, PayFast, SSPay, Iyzipay, PayTabs, Benefit, Cashfree, aamarPay, Yookassa, Midtrans, and Xendit.
    • Stripe will have Recurring and One-Time purchase options on the upgrade plan
    • Built with Laravel 10

    Salient Features of Project and Task Management Tool With Advanced Features (SaaS)

    Create Plans and Make Payment – a special SaaS Feature

    With a Super Admin Login, create plans that are most feasible for your business model. Select appropriate pricing and duration for the created plan. You can allow a maximum number of users and projects. Make payments using various payment gateways. The plan would be disabled if not renewed after its expiry.

    Efficient Dashboard

    It offers a versatile dashboard that allows you to keep a tab on Total projects, tasks, expenses, and users. It also offers a graphical representation of a task overview and time sheet for an ongoing week. You can check the project status of various projects and also maintain a to-do list. You also get to manage your top due projects and tasks on the dashboard through a simple click which would redirect you to the detailed page.

    Project Management

    The project tab allows you to view your projects in the grid and list view. It allows you to filter the projects through different options. The flagged option allows you to search for projects based on their status. Also allows you to invite members to different projects.

    Project Features

    You get detailed information about each project on selecting it. You get access to brief synopsis through the statistical display of tasks achieved, expenses, days left, open tasks, milestones achieved, assigned users, allocated hours, and time spent. In short every detail of a project. You can add new users and manage their permissions. The view tab on milestones allows you to view, edit and delete milestone details. You can download the files that were added for tasks and view the activity log of the particular project.

    Gantt chart feature in project details

    A chart is always one of the strong representations of data we have. Here, Gantt Chart shows the status of the tasks on a quarter-day, half-day, daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

    Task & its timely Management

    The kanban board for tasks allows you to drop and drag them according to their status of completion. You can add and view comments, attachments, and checklists for each task. You can add a new task by assigning names, estimated hours, users, and dates to it. You can select the milestone and priority for each task that would allow you to manage your timeline with ease.


    You can manage the time sheet of each project by adding task-wise. This would ensure project completion on time and you get to know which users have worked how much time on each task.

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.


    Keep a tab on project expenses by adding attachments for each expense.

    Project Settings

    Basic settings allow you to assign project names, descriptions, and dates. You can upload project images and change the status of projects for your ease. You can also manage project and task progress through manual entry. Additional settings allow you to assign budgets, hours, and tags. You can add your currency symbol for budget estimation. The Task stage allows you to add and remove task stages. Manage various project notifications through simple settings.

    Task List

    You can search for tasks through available alternatives. You can also filter the tasks based on their priority and due date. Each task would take you to a kanban board where you can manage them through the drag-and-drop option.

    User Overview

    You get a detailed insight into users’ timesheets, tasks, skills, projects, attachments, due tasks, and social media details under a single page. A graphical visual of the timesheet of each user can be accessed with ease.


    The calendar would give you an overview of tasks sorted based on their priorities and due dates.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

    Chat Module

    Direct Communication is an important aspect of any business. The easy-to-access and use Chat Module provided in it, helps you to be in direct and constant touch with subordinates and superiors.

    My Profile Overview

    You get your profile overview just like that of users. Detailed information about timesheets, tasks, due dates, projects, and social media details. Manage your profile by filling in essential and basic information through basic settings. You also get to manage your security through a simple click.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.

    Dark Mode

    Manage the visual of this tool through an inbuilt light and dark mode alternative. It is perfectly adaptive to both regular and high DPI screens.

    Admin Setting

    This task management tool is available in multiple languages making it feasible for a large proportion of people. 4 different email templates are readily available to use in the language of your choice. Send Emails instantly with these instant templates. Manage the basic settings by selecting a logo, title texts, and footer settings. Also, manage the mailer settings through easy steps.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

    Client Panel

    Super Admin Panel

  • Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool


    Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool. Your search ends here.


    Task Hub is a lightweight & super fast One Stop Solution for your Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool, Company’s Accounts, or Finance Management, Customer’s data management tool which provides it’s project managers (PMs), Team Members, HRs, and Clients to collaborate and meet goals on time while managing resources and cost-efficiently.

    It offers you an all in one feature where you can do projects managementtask distributionproject/task progress tracking, sharing of the same dashboard with clients for project’s and task’s progress tracking and data sharing, create and manage estimates & invoices, keep track of expenses and payments, Personalized notifications, Announcements, Calendar of Events, realtime chat among team members, manage Leave Requests of team members, resource planning, team/organization collaborations, and many more features with one simple Project Management Software. Explore our demo to check how does everything looks like & work and to find out more details on the features and functionalities proceed below to know more.


    It offers you an all in one feature where you can do projects management, task distribution, project/task progress tracking, sharing of the same dashboard with clients for project’s and task’s progress tracking and data sharing, create and manage estimates & invoices, keep track of expenses and payments, Personalised notifications, Announcements, Calendar of Events, realtime chat among team members, manage Leave Requests of team members, resource planning, team/organization collaborations, and many more features with one simple Project Management Software.

    Apart from all these it offers some exceptional features like RTL layout for the whole website for languages like Arabic, Aramaic, Azeri, Hebrew, Persian/Farsi, Urdu etc., Languages

    Project Management, Finance With CRM Tool also offers some unique and best customization features like Setting up of Custom Fonts, Managing Store Currency, Timezone Settings, Logo Settings, Email Settings and more.,

  • HRM, CRM and Project Management With Accounting

    1. Manage customers and leads
    2. Track client projects, invoices, and proposals/estimates
    3. Add company employees, track attendance and manage leaves
    4. Create contracts with clients with e-signatures
    5. Create projects, add project members, and track progress, expenses, earnings, timelogs, tasks, and milestones
    6. Use a Kanban taskboard to visualize work and tasks
    7. Use a project gantt chart to plan the project schedule
    8. Convert invoices to credit notes that can be redeemed
    9. Create products that can be used in invoices and purchased by clients
    10. Raise tickets by employees and clients, assigned to ticket agents for resolution
    11. Internal chat feature in the messages section
    12. Integrate with Slack, Pusher, and One Signal for real-time notifications
    13. Theme settings to reflect your brand
    14. Receive payments via PayPal, Stripe, payfast, flutterwave, mollie and Razorpay gateways
    15. Create custom roles with custom permissions for employees
    16. Various reports for tasks, timelogs, finance, attendance, and leaves
    17. Tons of other configurable options.

    Client Panel

    Employee Panel

    Admin Panel

  • Team Collaboration With Best CRM and Project Management System


    Features of Team Collaboration With Best CRM and Project Management System

    Project Management

    Create unlimited amounts of Projects with start and end date of project, each with their own unique teams. You can easily assign teams and client to each project. After the creation of a project, you can create tasks of that project and assign those tasks to the project team members in order to get tasks done. You can see all the details about projects like graphical overview, projest tasks, project statistics, project files, project users, and many more.

    Tasks Management

    Add a new task and prioritize them according to the need of urgency. Assign the task to one or multiple team members and set a due date for task completion. You can add comments and attach necessary files in a required task. Using a Kanban board and clear statistics helps you understand the status of tasks and you can drag and drop the task to change the status of tasks. Detail model of the task will show you all the necessary details of those tasks.

    Client and Team Management

    You can add a new user and remove an unnecessary user when required. Also, admin can make any team member as admin and also from admin to a team member. You can easily add this member to any project and assign tasks to those members. You can easily collaborate with your team and work together on any project or task.


    Keep track of your opportunities. Manage potential customers and followup their status and convert your leads into paying customers.

    Video Meetings

    Unlimited free video conference. Do video meetings/conference with your clients and team members for unlimited time.

    Time Tracking

    Keep track of the amount of time that you spend on your project tasks which can be billed to your client.

    Invoices and Payments

    You don’t need to send an invoice to your client separately. Easily send an invoice to your client and get paid from Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay, and Bank Transfer in the application.

    Custom Currency and Taxes

    You can set your custom currency according to your need. This feature will allow you to set Project Budget and send an invoice in your native currency. Also, you can create unlimited taxes and apply them to your work through invoice.

    Gantt Chart / Calendar

    The due dates of the projects and tasks will appear in the Gantt Chart and Calendar.


    Estimates help you to convert your leads into orders. Clients are more willing to commit to a project when they have an idea of the total cost.

    User Permissions

    Admin always has all the permission, and no one can change that. Admin has the power to give any permission to the user. Permissions like view projects and tasks, update, delete, and many more.


    Manage your team members leave rquests. Approve or reject leave applications


    Chat allows you to communicate with all team members. You don’t have to leave the application for any discussion.


    You can create your own daily ToDo list. That will help you to complete your tasks on time.


    Make personalized notes for your self because of these busy days. We can not remember all the things. Just add those things here as a reminder.

    One Click Future Update

    We have added the best feature in the application for your future convenience. Whenever we release a new update for It you can easily update your application on one click. No need of coding knowledge.


    You can easily customize according to your need. From the setting section, you can change the name of the application, footer, logos, timezone, date format, and many more options for your convenience.

    Silent Features

    • The Fully Secure Application
    • Dashboard with a Graphical Representation of Tasks and Projects
    • Secure Database no SQL Injection
    • Kanban Task Board to see the progress of various Tasks
    • Protected against CSRF and XSS attacks
    • Feature to Attach Important Files to Tasks and Projects
    • Bcrypt Password Encryption
    • Totally Ajax
    • Built-in using Most Trusted CodeIgniter Framework

    The Guarantee

    • Our excellent support.
    • Feature updates.
    • Answer to all your questions.
    • Bugs fixes if any have.
    • Help to set up and install.

    Frequently asked questions.

    Question 1: How to install it?
    Ans: You can easily install it just by following the step in the installation wizard.

    Question 2: It have documentation?
    Ans: Yes, Full documentation included. Just follow the documentation.

    Question 3: It is multilingual? Can I translate it into my language?
    Ans: Yes, it is multilingual. Also, you can add or edit languages from the admin panel.

    Question 4: We have to pay extra for video meetings? What we need for video meetings?
    Ans: No, you don’t need to pay anything for video meetings. You need an SSL certificate for the work camera and mic in the video meeting. Video meeting is a free third-party service. We have used Jitsi meet for video meetings. Remember it’s free third party service and can be changed by third party any time they want. You can check their documentation and limitation.

    Question 5: What is the server requirements?
    Ans: PHP 7.x+ under PHP 8, MySQL 5.7+, mod_rewrite enabled, unlimited space and bandwidth.

  • Team Work – Project Management System



    • Stripe Payment Gateway
    • Realtime chat
    • Realtime chat option
    • One to One chat option
    • Multiple files attach option
    • Zoom Meeting
    • New Meeting Create
    • Upcoming Meeting List
    • Live Meeting List
    • Previous Meeting List
    • You can create/edit/delete a zoom meeting only admin users permitted.
    • TeamWork
    • Projects management
    • Clients management
    • Staffs management
    • Task List (Add New List, Edit and Delete) in Task Board
    • Task List (Drag and Drop)
    • New task (Add a task, Edit and Delete)
    • Task (Drag and Drop)
    • Task (Move the task)
    • Change Task Status
    • Task Activity (Comments and Attachment)
    • Task history
    • New task assigned email notifications the staff
    • Task removed email notifications the staff
    • Project (Create, Edit and Delete)
    • View Project Details
    • Project (Start Date and End Date) deadline
    • Project Status(Inprogress, Completed and Timeout)
    • Add Project Description
    • Project invite notifications
    • Project deleted email notifications the project creation staff
    • Client (Create, Edit and Delete)
    • Client Profile View
    • Staff (Create, Edit and Delete)
    • Staff Profile View
    • Staff Active/Inactive Option
    • Staff Roles (Admin/Staff) Option
    • You can create/edit/delete a milestone only admin users permitted.
    • Only view invoice staffs and clients a permitted.
    • Milestones
    • Invoice management
    • Track paid & unpaid invoices
    • New staff awaiting review email notifications the administrator
    • New account pending review email notifications the staff
    • Staff Active/Inactive email notifications the staff
    • Account deleted email notifications the staff
    • Unlimited Color
    • Easily Label and Message changeable
    • Google reCAPTCHA (Enable/Disable) Option
    • Mail Setting (Enable/Disable) Option
    • Mail subject and body easily changeable
    • Web and email notifications
    • All reports on Dashboard
    • Professional email template include
    • and more…

    Software Requirements

    • PHP 8.0
    • BCMath PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension

  • Customer Relationship And Project Management, Inventory With POS


    Key Features


    Graphical overview of Invoices, Quotations, Expenses & Leads is represented on Dashboard. Total paid, due & overdue amount of Invoices is represented via Pie chart, Quotation converted to invoice or not- you can see the amount via a pie chart. Per month expenses cost with each category is represented via a graph. Projects, Tasks & Tickets summary are also present on dashboard.


    You can easily manage customers, suppliers & team members through Relationship. Import multiple customers or suppliers via the Import CSV file. Keep track of your customers easily. Without admin verification customers can’t login to customer panel.


    Customer Relationship And Project Management, Inventory With POS allows you to build simple & professional invoices. Create an easy invoice by adding items/products with different taxes (Inclusive & Exclusive method) & discounts. Make payment with Paypal or Bank account.


    Add quotation from the sales module. Give your customers a rough overview of Prices, Discounts & more by generating detail quotation.

    Purchase Order

    Save time and ensure data accuracy when you create purchase orders that update inventory levels automatically. Create purchase order via selecting supplier. You can receive purchase order automatically or manually.


    Record & receive payment with Paypal or Bank account with multiple currencies for Invoice & Purchase order.

    POS (Point of Sale) Module

    We have a simple POS module with this system that is fully interactive & user-friendly. Able to handle multiple bills, add customers & products, search product from POS. Able to make Purchase Order to Supplier & Invoice to Customer. Keep inventory organized with detail of products like category, subcategory, product prices. Inventory tracking through automatically updated stock level whenever sales and purchases are made. Profit calculation has been made based on discounts.

    Stock Management

    Manage your stock by enabling stock management that will affect your system inventory. If the stock is not available, you can’t create any invoices. The system will give an alert as notification when your warehouse or store item quantity reached lower.

    Control your products through stock transfer/adjustments.

    Stock Transfers: The stock transfer function is the process of moving the stock inventory from one location to another location.
    Stock Adjustment: Stock adjustments are increases and decreases made to inventory to match an item’s actual on-hand quantity.

    Multi Warehouse

    Manage your inventory efficiently across multiple warehouses and locations all on a single platform..

    Bank Accounts

    Use this option to setup and configure your bank accounts. All accounts are used to reconsile customer payments and payments to Expenses.

    Bank Account Deposits and Transfers

    There are several ways to record deposits to accounts but the most efficient way in Customer Relationship And Project Management, Inventory With POS is through the Bank payment system. Deposits from customers, miscellaneous sales, etc. can be entered here. Transfer money from one bank account to another

    Project Management

    Create projects for customers or as a product or in house. Manage your project, create tasks & milestones in the project, add files or notes. You can assign team members to the project. You also can add invoices & tickets for each project.

    Task Management

    Create task based on project, customer & ticket. Select assignee for projects, you can assign yourself too. You also can add subtask from the checklist. Based on task status you can filter the task list.

    Task Timer

    You can track the time of each task using the task timer. You are able to add time manually by adding custom time. It will improve your shop or warehouse productivity, optimize projects overflow & help you to spend the right amount of effort on each task.

    Support Ticket

    A powerful ticket system can track the support request that your customer creates based on their status & priorities. You can assign a ticket to your team members.


    You can keep track of your shop or warehouse expenses by this system expense module. Create expenses easily based on the expense category.


    Manage your leads easily. Add leads by lead source & status. After creating leads convert it to customers if the customer gives any positive feedback.


    Overview of all Invoices, Quotations, Purchase orders, Projects, Tasks & Events is on the calendar. Can view monthly, weekly & daily basis.

    User Role & Permissions

    As owner of this site you can add other user as admin providing permission to specific role.

    Multilingual & RTL/LTR Supported

    The system supports multiple languages. You can change website directions based on Right to Left or Left to right.

    Email Templates & settings

    To send mail we have dynamic email template which is changeable too. If you want you can change the template. It also supports multiple languages. We have two E-mail sending protocols. You can send email via SMTP and another one is default, send mail option.


    Access and generate sales reports that offer accurate insights for better, more informed business decisions whenever and wherever, all in real time.

    • Inventory Stock on Hand Reports
    • Sales Reports
    • Purchase Reports
    • Team Members Reports
    • Expense Reports
    • Income Report
    • Income VS Expense Reports

    Customer Area:

    We have a separate customer panel where customer can view detail of Invoices, Quotations & Payments. Ticket module system is a powerful, fully integrated support ticket solution, providing real-time updates. Customer can create support ticket from customer panel after purchasing products.

    New Released Features (v-1.3)

    Knowledge Base

    It’s an online library of self-service information about a product, service, department, or topic. To assist your clients, create knowledge base articles and organize them into groups. Anyone can leaves comments on an article using their Facebook account.

    Canned Message

    It’s a predefined messages for the frequently asked questions that are used in support ticket reply. You can set predined messages from general settings canned message menu.

    Canned Links

    It’s a predefined links which are used in support ticket reply. This type of links are frequently used in ticket reply. You can set predined links from general settings canned link menu.


  • Project Management Complete Tool


    What to expect from Project Management Complete Tool

    • An effective dashboard with a graphical representation of tasks and projects
    • Admin side language switch option
    • Feasibility in finding tasks and projects with a search tab on the top
    • Kanban task management system to see the progress of various projects
    • A feature that enables attaching important files to projects
    • Creating milestones and assigning subtasks to see task achievement in an organized way
    • Multiple user allowance
    • Multiple client allowance with permission
    • Personalize your notes and categorize them
    • Project Members have a permission module
    • Desktop Application to Track Project Activities/Hours
    • 10 attractive pdf templates and a color palette to customize your invoice
    • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
    • Invoice Module with QR Code
    • Import/Export in Excel in User, Client, Project, Invoice
    • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
    • Image Uploaded Preview
    • Email Templates
    • Project Report Module
    • Duplicate Project Module
    • Contract Module for Digital Signature
    • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
    • Google Calendar for Zoom Meetings, Task Module
    • Email Verification Security in the User Registration
    • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
    • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
    • Slack Integration
    • Zoom Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages
    • Built with Laravel 10

    Salient Features of Project Management Complete Tool

    Efficient Dashboard

    Get an overview of the total number of projects, tasks, bugs, and members. A visual representation of the task overview and project status can help you estimate the progress on each task. Lastly, you can check the top due task.

    Multi Workspace

    Create multiple workspaces for different projects. You can create an individual workspace or shared workspace by inviting other users.

    Project Management

    Create new projects and assign teams to each project. Add multiple members to share the projects with clients. You can edit permissions and controls to manage client access. Set a budget and create milestones for projects. Attach cost and summary to milestones and change the status through the drop-down menu. Get a tab on recent activities of a project and also a graph about progress. Along with that, you can check your tasks’ details under project details with the help of the Gantt Chart.


    Add a new task to an already existing project and prioritize them according to the need of urgency. Assign the task to team members and set a due date for task completion. Add comments to the task and create a sub-task for ease of completion. Attach necessary files in a required task.

    Notes have a sharing option

    While creating any of the important notes, one can keep them personally as well as assign or share them with the concerned person.

    Bugs Resolution

    Create new bugs and assign users and priority to them. You can write a note in the text box for the bug description. Also, the status of each bug could be changed through an easy drop-down and Kanban drag system.

    Kanban Task Management

    With a simple layout, using a kanban board you could manage the progress of your projects. Clear statistics help you understand the number of completed, ongoing, finished, or on-hold tasks.

    Multi-User Access

    Invite users and give them access to various projects and workspaces. A user tab will give brief information on the projects and tasks of each user. You could always add a new user and remove an unnecessary user as and when required.

    Create Timesheets

    You can create a timesheet for various projects and tasks by assigning dates, times, and descriptions to it.

    Desktop Application for Tracking Project Hours

    You can track the time spent while working on any given project and its task by starting a timer. In addition, you can customize the settings for generating automatic screenshots of the tracker running within a particular time gap. You can set a minimum of 1 minute for the time gap between screenshots. Also, you can check the screenshots and delete the unnecessary and inappropriate ones if needed.

    Upload files in the Project

    Upload the necessary files to your project without any hassle.

    Manage Invoices

    Create invoices for projects by assigning issues and due dates. You get to specify discounts and taxes at your convenience. Select the client you are generating an invoice. You can edit the invoice by adding and removing items. Print the invoice with a different theme and color.


    You can chat with users on important project aspects without leaving the tool workspace-wise.

    Personalize your notes

    Create your personalized notes so that nothing remains forgotten. In the daily ups and downs of business, some things might run out of your mind. Keep a tab on those activities by maintaining notes. Also, you could prioritize the notes based on their urgency.


    The due dates of the projects and tasks will appear in the calendar. Manage the workflow accordingly.

    Email Templates

    The email templates feature enables the user to choose from pre-defined and individualized email layouts rather than creating an entirely new email each time. Additionally, this provides readiness, uniformity of drafts, accessibility, and reduced effort required to draft the same email repeatedly. These templates can be created according to various needs.

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

    Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
    It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

    Slack Integration

    Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

    Zoom Integration

    Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
    Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

    Telegram Integration

    Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

    Workspace Settings

    You can add and edit tasks and bug stages, appropriate for your business. Your business logo, billing details, and tax details could be created here with ease. Enable Stripe and PayPal as per your needs and assign currencies you wish to receive payment in. Besides, we offer 10 attractive pdf templates and a color palette to customize your invoice.

    The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.

    Effective Tool at a Competitive Rate

    It’s a perfect tool to satisfy your Business Management needs at a friendly rate.


    Seamlessly connect and enhance modules with a simple setup, streamlining data exchange and boosting platform capabilities.

    AI Integration

    AI Integration is an advanced software program that employs artificial intelligence to perform tasks, enhancing productivity.

    Client Panel 

    User Panel 

    Admin Panel