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Create your own Google Maps API key

Before you start using the Places and Directions API, you need a project with a billing account. To learn more, see Get Started with Google Maps Platform: https://developers.google.com/maps/gmp-get-started.

  • Log in to the Google API Manager Console here: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library
  • Click the Library link in the left sidebar
  • Select the project you created when you created your API Key for WP Google Maps (See the top arrow in the screenshot below)
  • Click the link to the Google Maps Directions API in the listing under Google Maps APIs. (See bottom arrow in screenshot below.)

  • Click Enable on the Google Maps Directions API window.

Enable Maps SDK for Android and iOS

  • Click Enable on the Google Maps Places API

  • Copy google map keys for Android and iOS projects. They will be needed when setting up projects.

  • Google Maps API Checker

    Please check your API before completing the installation http://yougapi.com/tools/google-api-key-checker.php

    If you see the message “Geocoding service ok” and a Map of NY with 3 markers, it means the Google API key is ready to be used in our store locator apps

If you don’t see the image of the Map, make sure you have enabled the “static Maps” service from the “Enabled API” section

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