• Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software



    • Appointment Management: Easily schedule, reschedule, and cancel appointments. Send reminders to patients.
    • Patient Records: Maintain detailed records of patients, including personal information, medical history, and treatment plans.
    • Treatment Records: Record and track all treatments administered to patients, including diagnoses, procedures, and prescribed medications.
    • Billing and Payments: Generate invoices, process payments, and track financial transactions.
    • Staff Management: Add and manage staff members with specific roles and permissions.
    • Service Catalog: Define and categorize dental services offered by the clinic.
    • Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports on appointments, revenue, patient demographics, and more.


    • The dashboard provides an overview of appointments, pending tasks, and financial summaries.


    • The Appointment module is a crucial component that enables patients to schedule appointments with dentists and allows clinic staff to efficiently manage the appointment schedule.

    Patient Management

    • The Patient Management module handles the registration, storage, and organization of patient information. It ensures efficient patient care and streamlines administrative tasks for the dental clinic staff.

    Treatment Records

    • Document treatments, including diagnoses, procedures, and prescribed medications.

    Billing and Payments

    • Generate invoices, process payments, and track financial transactions.

    Adding Staff Members

    • Add and manage staff members with specific roles and permissions.

    Managing Services

    • Define and categorize dental services offered by the clinic.

    Setting Up Working Hours

    • Configure the working hours of the clinic and individual staff members.


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about a Dental Clinic Management Application:

    Q1: What is a Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software Application?

    A It is a software system designed to streamline and automate various administrative and operational tasks within a dental clinic. It helps in managing patient records, appointments, treatment plans, billing, and other aspects of running a dental practice.

    Q2: What are the key features of a Dental Clinic Management Application?

    Common features include appointment scheduling, patient management, treatment planning, billing and invoicing, medical history tracking, staff management, and reporting capabilities.

    Q3: How does the appointment scheduling work in a Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software Application?

    The application allows patients to view available time slots and schedule appointments with dentists. Dentists can also view and manage their appointment schedules, making it easy to plan their workday.

    Q4: Can I track patient medical history and treatment plans in the application?

    Yes, the application enables the recording and storage of detailed medical histories, dental histories, and treatment plans for each patient.

    Q5: Is it possible to manage billing and invoicing through the application?

    Yes, the application allows for the creation of invoices, tracking of payments, and management of billing details for each patient.

    Q6: How does the application handle data security and privacy compliance?

    The application should have robust security measures in place to protect patient data. It should also adhere to relevant data privacy regulations, such as HIPAA in the United States.

    Q7: Can the application integrate with existing systems or electronic health record (EHR) platforms?

    Depending on its capabilities, the application may offer integration options with other systems, including EHR platforms, to facilitate seamless data sharing and workflow management.

    Q8: Is training and support provided for using the Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software Application?

    Yes, reputable providers often offer training sessions and ongoing support to help users become familiar with the application and address any questions or issues that may arise.

    Q9: Can I access the application on multiple devices or platforms?

    Many applications are designed to be accessible on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones, allowing for flexibility in usage.

    Admin Demo

    CMS/Website Demo

  • Clinic Management With Prescription, Appointment & Live Consultations Management Software


    Feature Description:

    This is SASS application so there will be one super admin for whole system, which will manage the main landing page of website and other contents.

    Users can sign up into system, and they will be considered as admin, so each user will get their separate admin panel from where they can manage their specific contents.

    Landing Page

    Its comes up with beautiful landing page, which helps patients to get information about the hospital and doctors and their specialities.

    Patient can book appointments from landing page and also registered to system. They also can submit queries via contact us form.

    Admin Panel

    We have created beautiful and user attractive admin panel to manage the contents for landing page.

    Admin can manage all the doctors / patients / appointments and also able to create new staff’s account with assigned roles / permissions.

    You can change the system settings from admin panel, like you can change the hospital schedule time, change contact email, number, etc.


    Dashboard is more important thing in each application, as you can get quick information from there.

    Here you can get information about today’s appointments, total registered patients and etc.

    Staff Management

    You can create new user accounts with specific permissions if you want. Staff can also able to do login and he can see the lists of modules as per assigned permissions.

    Doctors Management

    Here you can see lists of doctors that you have added to your system, right now only admin can add new doctors. you are also able to change the details of doctor too.

    Patient Management

    Here you can manage the patients that registered via landing page or added by you. You can change their password and other details from here.

    You can see lists of appointment booked by specific patients in detail screen.

    Appointments Management

    Appointments are generally for patients, but some case if patient wants admin to book their appointment, at that time this will be usefull. Admin can book new appointments from here on behalf of patient.

    Also, you can see lists of appointments here, there is another option there Calendar view, by clicking on it you can see the lists of appointments in calendar view.

    Patient Visits Management

    Admin can add / delete patient visits records from here. Patient visits are the records who will be entered by the doctors to track patients visits and the other information about their patients.

    Services & Categories Management

    Here you can add different kind of Services and its categories, Services are generally used in appointments. Patient will Select the service while booking the appointments.

    You can define the service charge per service.

    Front CMS

    Admin can change each content of landing page from here. e,g Upload new images for sliders, change some texts on it, etc.


    Schedule means the hospital timing per day. Admin will define the hospital time from Settings -> Schedules.

    Then doctors are able to choose time between the hospital time, if Admin is saying that hospital will be closed on sunday, then doctor will not able to choose schedule time on sunday.


    Settings will include some other set of modules .

    • General Setting
    • Clinic Schedules
    • Roles & Permissions
    • Currencies
    • Countries
    • States
    • Cities

    Doctor Panel


    Doctors can see lists of today’s appointments count and other widget in dashboard. they can also able to see the lists of recent appointments as per day / week / month.


    Here doctors can see their appointments only, they can later change the status to checked-in, check-out and cancel.


    Doctor can set their availability as per day in this module, so patient will be booked slots accordingly. if doctors are selecting that Monday they will be available from 10:00 – 12:00 then patient can see slots between that time only.

    Patient Visits Management

    Here doctors can add new visit record for patients, and track their health progresses.

    Patient Panel


    Patient can see lists of appointments in dashboard, they can see today’s and upcoming appointments here.


    Here you can book new appointment with specific doctor by selecting different services. Later you can cancel the appointment if you don’t want to go. Also, you can delete your appointment records too.

    Visits Listing

    Here you can see the lists of visits added by your doctors. in visit details screen you are able to see the lists of prescriptions, notes, observation notes and problems added by doctor.

    ⇐Admin Panel Demo⇒

    ⇐ Doctor Panel Demo⇒

    ⇐ Patient Panel Demo⇒

    ⇐ CMS/Website Demo⇒

  • multiple Dental Clinic Complete Software Solution


    Feature List

    ⇐ Admin Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Doctor Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Laboratorist Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Accountant Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Receptionist Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Patient Demo ⇒

    ⇐ CMS/Website ⇒

  • Doctor Practice Management, Prescription & Appointment Software


    Notably, boasts an aesthetically pleasing user interface that captivates with its visual appeal. The system is enriched with a plethora of essential features, simplifying patient management for doctors.
    Leveraging the PHP Laravel 8 framework, offers remarkable customization possibilities for developers, allowing them to tailor it to specific needs. Every page is fortified with rigorous security checks and safeguards against invalid page submissions, guaranteeing the utmost protection for your system and data integrity.

    ⇐ Admin Panel ⇒

    ⇐ Patient Panel ⇒

  • Doctors Chamber, Prescription & Appointment Software (SaaS)


    Key Features:

    • Easy Integration & Customization
    • Standard secured & clean code
    • Fully Responsive Design
    • SEO Optimized & SEO-Friendly URL
    • Fronted website
    • Manage website with unlimited features & pages
    • Manage pricing packages & features
    • Pricing plan enable/disable with limit options
    • Manage Contact Messages
    • Manage Users
    • Manage FAQs
    • Manage Blogs with category
    • Cash flow chart reports
    • Net Incomes
    • reCaptcha enable / disable option
    • Email verification enable / disable option
    • Paypal payment enable / disable option
    • Stripe payment enable / disable option
    • Registration enable / disable option
    • Blogs enable / disable option
    • Users enable / disable option
    • Google Analytics
    • SMTP email with PHPMailer library
    • Google reCaptcha attached with (Register & Contacts forms with enable or disable option)
    • Advanced settings option
    • Admin, User, Staff & Patient panel
    • Multiuser & Multi staff options
    • Membership System with 3 packages
    • Paypal payment system
    • Stripe payment system
    • Create & manage chambers
    • Create & manage staffs
    • Create & manage patients
    • Create & manage diagnosis
    • Create & manage advises
    • Create & manage additional advises
    • Create & manage diagnosis tests
    • Create & manage drugs
    • Create & manage prescriptions
    • Create & manage appointments
    • Set schedule for appointments
    • Manage profile with education & experiences
    • Print prescriptions
    • Auto generate serial numbers for appointments
    • Date wise appointment serials
    • Ajax secure Authentication
    • Jquery Data tables & form validations
    • Sweetalert & toast notification with ajax
    • Detailed Documentation with commented code
    • Totally Secure System
    • Advanced Settings Options with Enable or Disable options
    • Change Logo, Favicon, Home hero image, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
    • Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard & no need any coding skills
    • Runs on PHP 7.0+


    There are various mechanisms to secure application. These mechanisms are:

    • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
    • Output Escaping
    • Password Hashing


    How zoom live consultation works

    • Obtain api keys from your zoom account and save them in super admin > settins > zoom settings
    • Doctors create a zoom meeting for live consultations
    • Get the meeting’s id, password and save it in live consultation section settings
    • Patients will book an appointment for specific doctors and need to pay for online consultation using paypal/stripe
    • Doctors will start their meeting in zoom app just before the scheduled time
    • While patients tries joining in the live consultation, Doctors need to approve their requests
    • After approval, doctors will see the patient in live streaming video consultation
    • During the live video consultation, they can communicate with chat option in zoom
    • They can leave the meeting anytime after the finishing of the live consultation

    ⇐ Admin Panel ⇒

    ⇐ Doctor Panel ⇒

    ⇐ Staff Panel ⇒

    ⇐ Patient Panel ⇒

    ⇐ CMS/Website ⇒

  • Doctor Finder Prescription, Appointment & Live Consultations With Time ‍Slot Management App


    Application features :

    • 1. Search Nearby Doctors
    • 2. Check upcoming appointment on first page
    • 3. Search bar to search Doctor
    • 4. Specialty wise sorting of doctors
    • 5. Check complete doctor profile
      • Doctor name
      • Specialty of doctor
      • Ratings of doctor
      • Phone number with call now button
      • About doctor description
      • Address of clinic and hospital
      • General working time of doctor
      • Services list of doctor
      • Health care description
      • Map redirection to find address on map
    • 6. Time-slot wise book appointment – Choose convent time-slot for your appointment, time-slot will be booked for users, and other user can not book again same time-slot.
    • 7. Book appointment description to explain problem to doctor
    • 8. Appointment details for user side will include
      • Doctor Name to whom appointment booked
      • Time-slot and date of booking
      • phone number of doctor
      • Email id of doctor
      • Appointment description
      • Quick Call and Quick Mail option
    • 9. User (My Account) features
      • Check all upcoming appointments
      • Check appointment history
      • Get all details of appointment
      • User Login, register
      • User can add review for doctor
    • 10. Doctor dashboard features
      • Register as doctor
      • Login as doctor
      • Separate dashboard for doctor
      • List of appointments from user
      • Check each Appointment details
      • Manage Appointments – Accept Reject
      • Manage his/her profile, add, edit profile details
    • 11. Payment Gateway for book appointment
      • Cash on board option
      • Braintree or PayPal added
      • Stripe (pay using Debit or credit card)
    • 12. Doctor manage his working Time-slot
      • Add Time of observing patients
      • App creates time-slot automatically as per doctors preference
      • 1 patient in 1 time-slot
      • Time-slot for 7 days,
      • For each 7 days doctor can add separate time-slot
    • 13. Notification
      • Doctor get when get new appointment
      • User get when doctor accept notification
      • User get if doctor reject notification
      • User get when he is absent for appointment
      • User get if admin send notification
      • User get when doctor set as complete appointment
    • 14. Language Translation
    • 15. RTL & arabic support


    Admin Panel Features :

    • 1. Admin Dashboard
      • Check list of latest appointment
      • Total appointments
      • Total Doctors
      • Total user register in app
      • Total review user added
    • 2. Appointment History : check list of all appointment
    • 3. Doctor List : All doctors list register in system
    • 4. App Patient List register in app
    • 5. Delete spam User
    • 6. Add edit & delete specialty
    • 7. Check Reviews added by user
    • 8. Get user complains on board
    • 9. Admin can send notification to user
    • 10. Notification setting for android & IOS


    ⇐CMS/Website Demo⇒

    ⇐ Admin Demo⇒

  • Multi Doctor Prescription, Appointment & Live Consultations Management Software (SaaS)


    Key Features

    • Laravel 8 is used as language
    • Bootstrap 4.5 is used in design
    • User friendly codes and easy to navigate
    • Eye-catching design
    • Strong security of codes
    • Search by location, doctor and department in the home page and doctor pages
    • Quick Appointment button on the menu
    • Easily navigate to patient login and registration pages.
    • Real time messaging between doctors and patients
    • Subscription verify with email
    • RTL support
    • Language change option
    • Zoom meeting
    • Script version auto update feature
    • Doctor payment withdraw
    • Doctor registration

    Admin Features

    • SEO Settings for all pages
    • Payment setting for PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay, Flutterwave, Paystack, Instamojo, Mollie, Paymongo and Bank
    • Email template setting
    • Facebook or manual comment setup option for blog
    • Cookie Consent option
    • Google Recaptcha option
    • Google Analytic option
    • Preloader on/off option
    • Tawk Live Chat option
    • Theme color change option
    • Custom pagination
    • RTL support
    • Language change option
    • Multi admin creation possible
    • All Banner images change option
    • Admin and Doctor login page photo change option
    • Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
    • Order view and delete by admin
    • Patient list view
    • Appointment and prescription view and print
    • Doctor Schedule setup
    • Weekday Edit option
    • Habit create, edit and delete option
    • Service create, edit and delete option
    • FAQ create, edit and delete option
    • Testimonial create, edit and delete option
    • Testimonial create, edit and delete option
    • About Page information edit option
    • Terms and Privacy Policy Page information edit option
    • Custom dynamic pages create, edit and delete option
    • Medicine type create, edit and delete option
    • Medicine create, edit and delete option
    • Department create, edit and delete option
    • Location create, edit and delete option
    • Doctor create, edit and delete option
    • Manage doctor payment withdraw system
    • Language change option
    • Home page sections manage with on/off option
    • Slider photo manage
    • Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option
    • Profile information, photo, password change option
    • Forget and reset password option

    Doctor Features

    • Doctor registration
    • Login, forget and reset password option
    • Profile information, photo, password change option
    • Monthwise earning view from dashboard
    • New appointment show
    • Manage own patient treatment (future date appoitment manage restricted)
    • Prescription create and edit option with print
    • Appointment history and edit option
    • Manage own leave days
    • Datewise payment history search option and show earning
    • See own weekday schedules
    • Messaging option with own patients
    • Zoom meeting
    • RTL support
    • Manage doctor payment withdraw

    Patient Features

    • Patient registration system with email verification
    • Patient Login, forget and reset password option
    • Profile information, photo, password change option
    • Create appintment and payment from quick appointment section on menu
    • Create appintment and payment from single doctor page
    • Messaging option with own doctors
    • Own appointments view option
    • Appointment pre notification
    • See orders and details.
    • Zoom meeting
    • RTL support


    • PHP >= 7.3
    • BCMath PHP Extension
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP extension
    • JSON PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension

    ⇐Admin Panel Demo⇒

    ⇐ Doctor Panel Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Patient Panel Demo ⇒

    ⇐ CMS/Website Demo ⇒

  • Multiple Doctors Chamber, Prescription, Appointment Management Software


    Features :

    • Build-in Easy installer
    • Unlimited doctor
    • Unlimited assistant
    • Patient share faciltiy with doctor to doctor.
    • Multiadmin supported
    • Schedule and Calender
    • Appointment with date time.
    • Patient Follow up
    • Well Documented
    • Decent landing page (website) with full control of customization by admin.
    • Included Development File
    • Patient panel .So Patient can login and get appointment from website. Patient can able to see his / her prescription and other documents too.
    • Patient medical history timeline
    • Mailing : prescription mail, follow up mail, payment recipt mail and many more.
    • Patient, Prescription , Payment, Appointment and Drug report
    • Laravel pagination almost all place. So system will not getting slow by day.
    • Included Development Files
    • 6 Different Language (Arabic, Bangla, English, German, Hindi & Spanish)

    ⇐ Admin Panel ⇒

    ⇐ Doctor Panel ⇒

    ⇐ Patient Panel ⇒

    ⇐ CMS/Website ⇒