• Multi Hospital/Clinic/Diagnostic Management Software (SaaS) And Apps With AI Assistant


    New Features:

    • New columns in insurance report
    • Paystack Payment gateway
    • Jitsi meet video conference gateway
    • Stripe payment Gateway
    • Twilio sms Gateway
    • Table responsiveness in all devices
    • Server side tables for Appointment, Prescription, and some other tables
    • Auto Email and SMS template
    • Prescription re-design
    • Popup patient history on click calendar appointments
    • CodeIgniter 3.1.10
    • Fontawesome 5
    • Telemedicine

    All Features:

    • Doctor Database
    • Prescription Management
    • Appointment Management
    • Human Resource Database
    • Nine Types Of Login Access
    • Hospital Accounting
    • Financial Reporting
    • Invoicing
    • Pharmacy Management
    • SMS Management
    • Dynamic Language Support
    • Multi Language Support
    • Frontend Website
    • Schedule Management for Doctors
    • Payment Gateway Integration
    • Email Module
    • Notice Module
    • Dynamic medicine selection during prescription creation
    • New dashboard features
    • Patient Timeline
    • Template for Lab report creation
    • Easy Process to Translate Into any Language
    • Patient Medical History and Archive
    • Patient Payment History
    • User Activity Report
    • Doctor’s Commission calculator for Diagnosis Reference
    • Stripe payment Gateway
    • Twilio sms Gateway
    • Table responsiveness in all devices
    • Server side tables for Appointment, Prescription, and some other tables
    • Auto Email and SMS template
    • Prescription re-design
    • Popup patient history on click calendar appointments
    • CodeIgniter 3.1.10
    • Fontawesome 5
    • Telehealth

    Available Languages:

    • Arabic
    • English
    • French
    • Italian
    • Portuguese
    • Spanish

    Feature Description


    Dashboard presents the status and overview of the institution. Visual presentation of the sales and expense through graph and pie chart are there. Total count of the Daily, monthly and yearly sales and expense and number of appointments. Dashboard contain the appointment calendar through which you can see all the appointments for can see the patient history by clicking on appointments.


    You can store all the department name and descriptions of the hospital.


    You can create, edit and delete doctors. Can manage doctor’s appointments, schedule, holidays. Can check doctor’s treatment history.


    You can create, edit and delete patients. Can manage patient’s case history, documents, payments, appointments. You can check the patient history with a beautiful timeline from the history button in the patient list.


    You can create, edit and delete appointments. Can manage Today’s and upcoming appointments. You can see appointments based on status like requested, pending, confirmed, treated and cancelled.

    Human Resources

    This is the module where you can create all the hospital staffs like Nurses, Accountants, Receptionists, Pharmacists and Laboratorist. All those staffs can login the system with their specific access permission.

    Financial Activities

    Can manage payments, expenses, invoices, due payments, daily, monthly, yearly and date to date reports etc from this module.


    Can create and manage prescriptions with dynamic medicine selection. Link between Prescription and pharmacy allow pharmacist to see all the prescriptions.

    Lab Test

    Can manage all the lab reports and report templates. Template system allows to create report templates. During the creation of a report you just need to select your desired template. Then just change the values.


    Can add, edit and delete medicines and medicine categories. You can check medicine stock alert.


    This module is for blood donors. You can list all the donor names with their contact number and can notify them in the times of need from the sms and email module. Blood bank shows the number of blood bags you have in your stock. You can edit those informations.


    Can manage bed, bed categories, bed allotments.


    You can check date-to-date report for all your financial activities. Strong User activity report where you will find user based financial reporting like the amount of cash collected by each accountant and receptionist. You can check each doctor’s commission. Can check birth, operation and expire records. Daily, month and yearly payment and expense reports and many more.


    List all the notices you want to show the human resources.


    You can send the email to different group like all the patients or all the doctors or donors of a specific blood group. Also can send individual patients and any other email address. You can configure the auto email templates. During the creation of appointments, payments or live meetings email are sent to patients and doctors. You can create those emails from here.


    You can send the sms to different group like all the patients or all the doctors or donors of a specific blood group. Also can send individual patients and any other email address. You can configure the auto sms templates. During the creation of appointments, payments or live meetings sms are sent to patients and doctors. You can create those messages from here. You also need to select SMS gateway from the settings option. There are multiple sms gateways integrated in our system.


    Our frontend website is a portfolio website for the hospital. Public users can make appointment request from here. Sliders, featured doctors, services are also there and those can be dynamically added from backend.


    Can change hospital title, credit line, currency symbol, phone number, email address etc. Can manage payment gateways, languages, bulk imports and database backups.


    Logged in user can change email, username and login password from here.


    ⇐  CMS/Website Demo


    Super Admin Demo

    ⇐ Admin Demo

    ⇐ Receptionist Demo

    ⇐ Pharmacist Demo⇒

    ⇐ Nurse Demo⇒

    ⇐ Laboratorist Demo⇒

    ⇐ Accountant  Demo⇒

    ⇐ Doctor Demo⇒

    ⇐ Patient Demo⇒


    How it works With AI: Login as admin or doctor, go to case history menu. There is a chat button beside each case row. Click on the button and start chatting with AI.

  • Diagnostic Management Software


    at a glance

    • Latest Version Codeigniter.
    • Well Documentation.
    • Powerful Office Accounting Module.
    • Responsive CMS Website.
    • Inventory Management (Reagent).
    • Role Permission.
    • Patient Details.
    • Doctor Referral Setting.
    • Referral Commission Management & Doctors Payment.
    • Doctor Schedule.
    • Doctor Appointment.
    • Employee Manager.
    • Payroll.
    • Leaves Manager.
    • Staff Attendance.
    • Billing.
    • Investigation Report.
    • Office Accounting.
    • Income vs Expense Report.
    • Manage SEO section for all pages.
    • Secured against XSS attack.
    • Secured against SQL injection.
    • Secured against CSRF attack.
    • Easy to customize.

    CMS Demo


    Admin Demo

  • Hospital Management System and Appointment Booking


    8+ User Types:


    • Can create and manage their appointments
    • Can manage Patients Admissions
    • Can Manage bed Assigns
    • Can create prescriptions for their patients
    • Can manage Reports
    • Access their Payroll Data
    • Can set their Schedules
    • Can see the latest notice
    • Can create documents


    • Can book a new appointment
    • Can see their appointments
    • Can see their prescriptions
    • Can see details of his doctor
    • Can see their Admin and Operation History
    • Can see their Invoices + Bills
    • Can see list of documents
    • Can see the latest notice
    • Can create documents


    • Can see all patients
    • Can manage Beds
    • Can allocate Beds
    • Can see Reports
    • Can see Payrolls
    • Can see the latest notice


    • Can create and manage all appointments
    • Can see all requested appointments by patients
    • Can access all patients
    • Can access their payrolls
    • Can manage mail service
    • Can see all patient cases
    • Can manage all services (Ambulance, insurance, Packages ..)
    • Can create noticeboards

    Case Manager:

    • Can manage Patient Admissions
    • Can Manage patient Cases
    • Can Add Ambulance and assign it to patient
    • Can manage mail service
    • Can see the latest notice


    • Manage Blood Bank
    • Can see their payrolls
    • Manage Reports
    • Can see the latest notice


    • Can manage Medicine categories
    • Can manage Medicines
    • Can manage Medicine Bills
    • Can access their payrolls
    • Can see the latest notice


    • Can manage invoices
    • Can Manage Payments
    • Can access their payrolls
    • Can Access Bills
    • Can Manage Accounts
    • Can see the latest notice


    • Can manage all the departments + Users
    • Can manage Departments + Roles
    • Can see visual Dashboard
    • Can access Hospital Monitoring
    • Can access appointments
    • Can access Bills
    • Can access Medicines
    • Can access invoices
    • Can access all Payrolls
    • Can access settings
    • Can create Notice boards
    • Can create documents/document types

    60+ Modules:

    InfyHMS comes with 60+ modules to make the whole process easy and detail-oriented.

    • Accountants
    • Accounts
    • Advance Payments
    • Ambulance
    • Ambulance Calls
    • Appointments
    • Beds Management
    • Bed Assigns
    • Beds Visulization
    • Bed Status
    • Bed Types
    • Billing
    • Birth Reports
    • Blood Bank
    • Blood Donors
    • Case Handlers
    • Cases Management
    • Dashboard
    • Death Reports
    • Doctors Management
    • Doctors Departments
    • Doctor OPD Charge
    • Documents
    • Document Types
    • IPD (In Patient Department)
    • OPD (Out Patient Department)
    • Payrolls
    • Inquiry
    • Expenses Management
    • Hospital Charges
    • Hospital Charges Categories
    • Income Management
    • Insurance Management
    • Investigation Reports
    • Invoices
    • Lab Technician
    • Send Mails
    • Medicines (+ Inventory)
    • Medicines Brands
    • Medicines Categories
    • Full Inventory Management
    • Notice Board
    • Nurses Management
    • Operation Reports
    • Packages Management
    • Pathology Categories
    • Pathology Tests
    • Patient Diagnosis Categories
    • Patient Diagnosis Reports
    • Patients Management
    • Patient Admissions
    • Payments
    • Payment Reports
    • Pharmacists
    • Prescriptions Management
    • Radiology Categories
    • Radiology Tests
    • Receptionists
    • Schedules
    • Export of Everything
    • Settings
    • SMS Reminders
    • Roles + ALC for 8 Different Departments
    • Frontend CMS
    • Multi-Lingual
    • Multi-Currency

    There are also options available to multi-currency and multi-language.

    It comes with 9 different languages and 7 different currencies.

    Features Description:

    Here is the brief description for some of the modules:


    Admin can get insights of the total sum of Invoices, Bills, Payments and advance payments beautifully. Also, he will be able to see the total number of Doctors, Patients, and available Beds. Also, an admin will be able to access all the data and add/update everything in the system and manage currencies and languages.



    We are providing different types of account types. e.g Credit Account, Debit Account, etc.., You can manage all of your accounts and select account type while you are generating Bills, Invoice or taking payments.


    The invoices module provides a facility to create a digital invoice for the patient. You can select Patient, Invoice Date and add some Discount too. We also provide export invoice support. By which you can export PDF for the invoice that you created.


    Manage the billing for the patient. All you have to do is select the Patient, Admission ID, and related information will be autofill into the form. A Patient name, his/her Insurance details, Admissions date, Discharge date, etc. You can add some extra items to that bill if you want and generate a final copy of the bill. It also supports the export bill as PDF.


    All payments of patients would be managed by this module. Users can get to know how much payments are received and how much is Due.


    When any patient is going to be hospitalized there would be a certain process to do that is an advance payment. After making the payment it will be debited from that advance payment.


    Admin/Accountant can add salary for a specific user including Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Receptionist and many more. The user will be also able to see his/her salary list with details.

    Bed Management


    Users can facilitate their beds for their better convenience and understanding to be featured. Bed types are VIP ward, AC, Non Ac. etc. Plus you can create as per your needs.


    Bed managers can add multiple beds and their proper information like Bed Type and all other things related to beds. By default, beds are created as available. Once the bed is assigned to some patient it automatically changed to unavailable.


    Beds are salient resources for serving/caring patients in hospitals. But they also provide a place where patients can be in a queue for a much-needed cure. For getting better hospitalization to the patients, proper bed assignments are playing a vital role in any hospital.

    And this process is effectively managed by this module. You can assign a bed to a specific patient by selecting that patient and bed. That bed will be changed to unavailable mode automatically.

    Blood Bank


    The blood bank is responsible for managing the bloodstock. This includes maintaining an inventory for each blood group, ensuring an average age of blood at the time of issuing and monitoring what amount of blood that becomes outdated or what amount of blood is not been used for any other reason. So, management staff can get the details about the stock which type of blood group is available in the blood bank.


    You can manage the blood donors list in this section. You can add details of him/her by adding Donor Name, Date of donation, Blood group and, gender.

    Cases Management


    Case management is very necessary and needs to be effective for coordinating and providing care that is safe, on-time, effective, efficient, equitable and patient-centered. That can be handled with very ease by this module.


    A case handler is a kind of user in our system who has permissions to manage cases. They will enter all patient cases. So you can manage the staff who is going to handle all cases in this section.

    Patient Admissions

    After registering a case file, the patient is moved to their respective treatment and make an admission of them. You can add patient admission details by entering details. e.g Select Patient, Admission date, Insurance Policy, etc.



    Users can manage various document types for various purposes like verification, certification and many more.


    All possible documents can be stored/managed in this section and the user can re-use those documents for various purposes.

    Admin will be able to see all documents, while other users can only see his/her documents.



    All third party insurances would be managed with whom the hospital tied up. Tou can select insurance while adding patient admission records. Which makes the claims process easier later.


    This module can manage different services in bunch mode. You can create different types of packages for users. Packages contain different types of services.


    Here you can manage the services of hospitals like Ambulance, Home visit and many more. After creating services you can select that service for a specific package.


    You can add your ambulance vehicle details in this section. You can simply manage these records by adding basic information like vehicle modal, driver name, vehicle number, etc.


    In this section, you can see the list of the ambulance with details of the patient who used it. When the ambulance is assigned to some patient it will automatically become unavailable.



    All hospital doctors are managed in this module. Doctor him/herself can manage their patients. Case handling, appointments management of patients, etc. Doctors provide medication for patients & write prescriptions for other medication and create operation reports for patients.


    There are different kinds of doctor departments as per their specialization and expertise. You can use doctor departments while adding a doctor to the system.


    Schedules are also an important section for patients because all can get information from there that when the doctor will be available to get them checked up or appointment for their treatment.


    Usually, doctors use this section more, because they will add the prescription details for the specific patient after the patient study.



    Generally, hospitals accept birth records as preferred evidence. A hospital birth record may be either in medical records of the birth or hospital birth certificate which is certified by an official person of a hospital as the custodian of the record.

    You can add a birth report by just adding details. e.g Patient, Doctor, Date, etc..


    A medical test is a procedure that is performed to detect, diagnose or monitor diseases, disease processes, susceptibility or to determine a root cause of disease. Medical tests relate to clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics and are typically performed in a medical laboratory.


    Generally, hospitals accept death records as preferred evidence. All the information regarding death is assembled in this module.


    An Operation report is a report which can be written in a patient’s medical record for documenting the details of the surgery. The operative report is dictated right after completion of a surgical procedure and later on transcribed into the patient’s record.


    The accountant is a user in a system that has permission regarding billing/invoicing. They can manage this section. You can create an accountant and able to see the list of created accountant in this section.


    Nurses can manage patients. Case generation and updating, allotting bed, ward, cabin for patients, provide medication according to patient prescription, manage blood bank and can update status. It also keeps a record of operations, new babies born and the death of patients can be managed by them.


    A patient can view appointments, status & availability of doctors, medications, his/her operation history, admits/discharge history, etc.


    Receptionists help patients, dealing with phone call inquiries, assist patients, handle mail, file records and make sure medical operations are running smoothly. Receptionists are also responsible for giving information to patients on what is happening in the clinic and dealing with appointments.


    Help to prepare medications by reviewing and interpreting physician orders and detecting therapeutic incompatibilities. Dispenses medications by compounding, packaging and labeling pharmaceuticals. Controls medications by monitoring drug therapies; advising interventions.

    Lab Technicians

    Medical laboratory technicians play a key role in the prevention and diagnosis of diseases, such as Cancer, Diabetes, and AIDS. Medical lab technicians work under the supervision of a physician, lab manager or medical technologist and perform laboratory tests on specimens.

    IPD (In Patient Department)

    Admin can manage Patient IPD details in this module. IPD is like Patient admission where admin can manage all details when patient is admitted and which bed he/she reserved.

    There is charges management too in which patient charges should be managed and from it admin can generate bill.

    Admin/Doctors/Receptionist can able to manage IPD module data.


    By using this module admin can add constant for patient. and also add some extra instructions.


    By using this module doctors can diagnosis details to patient IPD. doctors can add report type, report date and also attached some document while adding report.


    Timeline is like one-one conversations. doctors or admin can add timeline records by date and attach documents to it. Patient should be able to see all the timeline details entered by his consultant.


    Doctors can write prescription for patient. in which he can add header and footer notes. and also add medicines details, which medicine patient needs to take and in how much dosage of it.


    By using this module you can add charges of patient by charge categories. will do sum of all added charges while generating bill.


    Admin can manually accept cash and cheque payments of patient. added payments will be reflected to bill.

    OPD (Out Patient Department)

    Outpatient Department. An OPD is a hospital department designed to be a first contact point between the patient, and the hospital staff. This is very usefull to track patient records. it has 3 more sub modules from where you can manage patient details.


    By using this module you can check which patient has visited the hospital at which time. all your patient visiting history will manage into this module.

    You can also ask patient to again revisit at specific date.


    Admin/Doctors/Receptionist will add timelines to here for patient. here you will add some suggestions for patient. that which medicine he want to take and what is best for him.

    You can add attach a document also for a specific timeline.


    By using this module doctors can diagnosis details to patient IPD. doctors can add report type, report date and also attached some document while adding report.


    Admin/Doctors/Patient will be able to see the list of appointments. Admin can see a list of all appointments. It also has support for the calendar view for appointments. You can see a list of appointments in the calendar form too.



    Users can manage medicine categories as per their needs or usage.


    Users can manage medicine brands as per their needs or usage.


    Users can manage all the medicines and manage their inventory stock as well. Users can see the actual medicine name, side effects all the information regarding the medicine that was given at the time of adding into the system for your better usability.

    Inventory Management

    You can manage all your system items stock and its price and quality information in this module.


    You can manage item categories in this module. e.g Cotton packs, Equipments, etc.


    In this module you can add your inventory item by its type and its unit (kg, qty).


    In this module you have to add the item to the system. like if you are purchasing items from some seller and how many quaintly you are purchasing.

    Quality is the available quantity of that item. and it will decrease when someone issued it.


    Here in this module you can issue an item by item name and how many quality the person is issuing.

    Please note that issuing quality will deducted from actual available quality.

    Front Office


    By using this module you can track your hospital call details, that which call is received from who. you have to add entries for that.

    Admin / Receptionist are able to access this module. you can also export the all list of call logs to excel.


    Admin / Receptionist are able to do entries on this module. you can track your hospital visiting records here.

    You can add visitor name and purpose of his visit, date of visiting, etc. you are also able to export the list of records to excel.


    Here you can track your postal records, what couriers you are receiving, and from who. you can also add an attachment and add the date of receiving postal.

    Admin / Receptionist are able to manage this module. you are also able to export a list of postal receive records to excel.


    Here you can track your postal dispatch records, what couriers you are dispatching, and for who. you can also add an attachment and add the date of dispatching postal.

    Admin / Receptionist are able to manage this module. you are also able to export a list of postal dispatching records to excel.


    You can export all of the data from your various modules to use it in different systems.



    Using notice boards, notable information or announcements would be conveyed to every person who is indulged within the hospital environment.


    Admin can manage the system language of their choice or comprehensive understanding & also can be managed brand name for the system.


    We are supporting 7 different currencies. Admin can select a current currency for their application and make related changes to all modules.


    We are supporting 9 different languages. You can select whatever you want. It is specific to the user and also recognized after logout.

    Other Settings

    Admin can manage Hospital Name, Hospital Address, Hospital Email, Hospital Open/Close Hours and many other settings.

    Mail Service

    This feature is quite cool, you can send mail to your employees. All you just need to enter their email, subject, and message that you want to send. Submit it and the related user will get your email.



    CMS/Website Demo


    Admin Demo

  • Hospital Management Software



    • Hundreds of automation features
    • 8 type of user accounts
    • Easiest appointment booking system
    • Private communication with doctors
    • Easiest management of hospital accommodations
    • Tracking of medicines
    • Records of blood donors
    • Records of diagnostics and reports
    • Payroll management
    • User friendly accounting
    • Patient Management
      • Ability to request appointment with a doctor
      • Keep records of patient’s prescriptions and medications
      • Keep track of patient’s payments
      • See all diagnostics
      • Manage operation reports
      • Private communication between doctor and patient
    • Manage Doctors
      • Searchable doctor’s list with full profile
      • Categorize doctors according to departments
    • Hospital management
      • Manage blood bank
      • Keep records of blood donors
      • Allotment of beds and cabins
      • Keep records of medicines
      • Ability to save reports
      • Payslip generation for hospital staffs
    • Take care of tiresome paperworks
      • Ability to add receptionists to take appointments
      • Add pharmacists to take care of medicines
      • Add nurses to look after patients’ informations
      • Automated generation of diagnostic reports
      • Automated generation of prescriptions
      • Easiest billing system
    • Create your own website with your contents
      • Ability to set emergency contacts, opening/closing hours
      • Manage the services you provide
      • Ability for patients to request appointments from website
      • Simple yet convenient blog
      • Expose your hospital to the world


    • Apache server for running php
    • Database access,purchase code during installation
    • Php curl should be enabled
    • One purchase code is legal for using one domain only



    Admin Demo

  • Hospital Management Software Three


    Hospital Management Software Three is the best and number one Hospital Management System Software with Website. It has 40+ Features what you need to manage Hospital. Here has Insurance, Modern Billing System and SMS Gateway also. It is developed by Codeigniter Framework.

    Short Features :

    • Complete Hospital Management Solution
    • Prescription Management System
    • Doctor management SYstem
    • Insureance Management SYstem
    • Billing Management System
    • Role Based Permission Setup System
    • Multiple EMail and SMS gateway added
    • Human Resource System
    • Full Accoounting System of Hospital and its Report
    • Complete Bed Management System
    • Medication and Vistis System
    • Case Manager management System
    • Patient Seperate login and appointment System
    • Hospital Enquiry System
    • LTR and RTL Version
    • Userwise any language changes from frontend and Backend
    • Pharmacy Management System
    • Appointment managemnt System
    • Birth Report
    • Death Report
    • Operation Report
    • Investigation SYstem Report
    • Paid Android apps system if you need

    ⇐ Admin Panel⇒

    ⇐ CMS/Website⇒

  • Hospital Management Software Two



    CMS/Website Demo

  • Hospital Management System


    Features Details

    • Hundreds of automation features
    • Unlimited types of user accounts
    • Trouble free appointment booking system
    • Unlimited types of accommodation categories
    • Tracking of medicines
    • Dashboard to get a gist at a glance
    • Records of blood donors
    • Records of discharges, full history
    • Records of diagnostics and reports
    • Records of patient meals, full history
    • Payroll management
    • User friendly accounting
    • Reviews and feedbacks from patients and other staff
    • Patient Management
      • Can request appointment with a doctor
      • Keep records of patient’s prescriptions and medications
      • Keep track of patient’s payments
      • See all diagnostics
      • Manage operation reports
    • Manage Doctors
      • All doctor’s list with full profile
      • Categorize doctors according to departments
    • Transport Service
      • Record of Transports
      • Record of transport services, full history
    • Hospital management
      • Manage blood bank
      • Keep records of blood donors
      • Allotment of beds and cabins
      • Keep records of medicines
      • Ability to save reports
      • Payslip generation for hospital staffs
    • Resource Scheduling
      • Roster maintain
      • Record of shifts and Individual duties
    • Take care of tiresome paperworks
      • Can add receptionists to take appointments
      • Can add pharmacists to take care of medicines
      • Add nurses to look after patients’ informations
      • Automated generation of diagnostic reports
      • Automated generation of prescriptions
      • Trouble free billing system
    • Cafeteria Management
      • Inventory for the cafeteria
      • POS with adding to cart, editing amount and removing from cart
      • Automated sales in cafeteria module
      • Option to give discount on the sale
    • Pharmacy Management
      • Full fledged Inventory for the Pharmacy
      • POS with adding to cart, editing amount and removing from cart
      • Automated sales in pharmacy module
      • Option to return sold items
      • Calculation on the sales return automatically

    Hospital management system is introduced to solve the complications coming from managing all the paper works of every patient associated with the various departments of hospitalization with confidentiality. This online hospital management system provides the ability to manage all the paperwork in one place, reducing the work of staff in arranging and analysing the paperwork of the patients. HMS does many works like:

    • Maintain the medical records of the patient
    • Maintain the contact details of the patient
    • Keep track of the appointment dates
    • Save the insurance information for later reference
    • Tracking the bill payments.

    The advantages of this hospital management system software can be pinpointed to the following:

    • Time-saving Technology
    • Improved Efficiency by avoiding human errors
    • Reduces scope for Error
    • Data security and correct data retrieval made possible
    • Cost effective and easily manageable
    • Easy access to patient data with correct patient history
    • Improved patient care made possible
    • Easy monitoring of supplies in inventory
    • Reduces the work of documentation
    • Better Audit controls and policy compliance.

    Hospital management system web application is fully a paperless process. Overcoming the fear of new challenges that the staff may have is important in the migration process. They need to understand the perks of digitalization and should be well trained to welcome the change. Also, complying with the upgrades and with the regulation processes need to be observed beforehand, once the paperless hospital is established.
    We have also provided the hospital management system demo so that you can go through the overall system before purchasing.

    Technology Stack

    • PHP
    • Codeigniter
    • jQuery
    • MySQL
    • Bootstrap
    • Material Design Lite
  • multiple Dental Clinic Complete Software Solution


    Feature List

    ⇐ Admin Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Doctor Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Laboratorist Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Accountant Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Receptionist Demo ⇒

    ⇐ Patient Demo ⇒

    ⇐ CMS/Website ⇒

  • Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software



    • Appointment Management: Easily schedule, reschedule, and cancel appointments. Send reminders to patients.
    • Patient Records: Maintain detailed records of patients, including personal information, medical history, and treatment plans.
    • Treatment Records: Record and track all treatments administered to patients, including diagnoses, procedures, and prescribed medications.
    • Billing and Payments: Generate invoices, process payments, and track financial transactions.
    • Staff Management: Add and manage staff members with specific roles and permissions.
    • Service Catalog: Define and categorize dental services offered by the clinic.
    • Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports on appointments, revenue, patient demographics, and more.


    • The dashboard provides an overview of appointments, pending tasks, and financial summaries.


    • The Appointment module is a crucial component that enables patients to schedule appointments with dentists and allows clinic staff to efficiently manage the appointment schedule.

    Patient Management

    • The Patient Management module handles the registration, storage, and organization of patient information. It ensures efficient patient care and streamlines administrative tasks for the dental clinic staff.

    Treatment Records

    • Document treatments, including diagnoses, procedures, and prescribed medications.

    Billing and Payments

    • Generate invoices, process payments, and track financial transactions.

    Adding Staff Members

    • Add and manage staff members with specific roles and permissions.

    Managing Services

    • Define and categorize dental services offered by the clinic.

    Setting Up Working Hours

    • Configure the working hours of the clinic and individual staff members.


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about a Dental Clinic Management Application:

    Q1: What is a Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software Application?

    A It is a software system designed to streamline and automate various administrative and operational tasks within a dental clinic. It helps in managing patient records, appointments, treatment plans, billing, and other aspects of running a dental practice.

    Q2: What are the key features of a Dental Clinic Management Application?

    Common features include appointment scheduling, patient management, treatment planning, billing and invoicing, medical history tracking, staff management, and reporting capabilities.

    Q3: How does the appointment scheduling work in a Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software Application?

    The application allows patients to view available time slots and schedule appointments with dentists. Dentists can also view and manage their appointment schedules, making it easy to plan their workday.

    Q4: Can I track patient medical history and treatment plans in the application?

    Yes, the application enables the recording and storage of detailed medical histories, dental histories, and treatment plans for each patient.

    Q5: Is it possible to manage billing and invoicing through the application?

    Yes, the application allows for the creation of invoices, tracking of payments, and management of billing details for each patient.

    Q6: How does the application handle data security and privacy compliance?

    The application should have robust security measures in place to protect patient data. It should also adhere to relevant data privacy regulations, such as HIPAA in the United States.

    Q7: Can the application integrate with existing systems or electronic health record (EHR) platforms?

    Depending on its capabilities, the application may offer integration options with other systems, including EHR platforms, to facilitate seamless data sharing and workflow management.

    Q8: Is training and support provided for using the Dental Care With Office Management Complete Software Application?

    Yes, reputable providers often offer training sessions and ongoing support to help users become familiar with the application and address any questions or issues that may arise.

    Q9: Can I access the application on multiple devices or platforms?

    Many applications are designed to be accessible on various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones, allowing for flexibility in usage.

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