• Appointment & Booking Management- Fourteen



    1. Front site for customers to book appoitments
    2. Manage Categories
    3. Manage Business Services
    4. POS – Point of Sale
    5. Manage Bookings
    6. Generate Receipts
    7. Email notifications
    8. Theme Settings
    9. Multi Languages
    10. Auto update
    11. Stripe, Razorpay, Paystack and PayPal Integration
    12. Nexmo and Msg91 SMS Gateway


    Salon Demo

    Mechanic Demo

    Doctor Demo

  • Event Management- Eleven



    The important features of this script are:

    1. Easy and simple interface to use
    2. Fully responsive for any kind of device
    3. Modern Design with Bootstrap 4
    4. Clean and understandable coding
    5. Secured coding against web vulnerabilities
    6. Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages
    7. Language Change Option in admin panel
    8. RTL Layout supports
    9. Email Setting with SMTP Configuration
    10. Payment setting
    11. Online Ticket Selling
    12. PayPal and Stripe Integration
    13. Statistics of data in dashboard
    14. Home page sections show and hide features
    15. Home page sections manage
    16. Newsletter subscription system
    17. Sending emails to subscribers from back end
    18. Unlimited sponsors category management
    19. Unlimited sponsors management
    20. Unlimited speakers management
    21. Unlimited photo upload and management
    22. Unlimited video management (youtube code)
    23. Unlimited organizers management
    24. Unlimited accommodation management
    25. Unlimited parking place management
    26. Unlimited location management
    27. Admin panel login photo manage
    28. Admin panel forget password option
    29. Title and Meta Description setup for SEO of each pages
    30. SEO friendly URL structure
    31. Google Recaptcha for contact form
    32. Recaptcha On and Off system
    33. Tawk Live Chat Option

    Admin Panel Demo


  • Event Management- Twelve (saas)


    Key features:

    Powerful Dashboards

    The rich, simple, and powerful dashboard helps in keeping the updates and activity up to date. Every activity is at a glance. Organizations, customers, and events that are happening are all at glance for your reference.

    Assigning the roles

    Assigning the roles according to the duties and the work. Access to management is given to perform the role in the application.
    For eg: Admin is given a role to access the “dashboards”, “user features etc.

    It becomes easier to carry forward the task with the accuracy of the role assigned.

    Adding Users

    You can now add users for the record. Adding users have become now easy with adding details and saving the user information in it. Maintaining and managing the users have now become an easy task to perform in the application. You can add, delete and block users.

    Adding Categories

    Adding categories of the events is easier to manage. Events that are happening around can be categorized according to the categories and hence it becomes an easy task to choose an event from

    For eg: Film media, Music concert, etc

    Adding Events

    One of the strong and powerful features is adding events. You can add your events that will be conducted in near future and let your users know. By simply adding the event details mentioning the time, date, and event category helps people to know about your event. Your event can be one of the successful events.

    App Users

    Add details of the app users for the record. It helps in timely notifying and reminding about events and also for the further updates that will be happening. It is always better to keep the record of the users online in the record than manually.

    Coupons and Discounts

    The coupons and discounts section is managed by giving them interesting and keeping up with the users in this app. The benefits of using will always be shown by activating the righ coupon for discounts.

    Review and Reports

    Analysis of the revenues and sales happening from the application. The reporting will be categorized according to customer, organization, and revenue reports. It becomes easy and yet manageable to see the overall report of the working of the application.

    Well Designed System

    Designed set with the secure codes helping in the proper functioning of the application never turns out in the performance level. The attractive UI/UX designs will help in reaching the expectations when it is taken into action.

    Push Notification

    The offers and other updates in the application will be mentioned through push notifications and also will be delivered to consumers timely.

    Email Notification

    Email notifications in the sense of any update will be carried forward to consumers. The consumer will be notified with the email notifications carrying forward any information that is needed to surpassed to their customers.

    Dynamic Currency

    When it comes to payments, you do not have to worry about even being part of other countries. The dynamic currency is supported in the application for conducting your event in any part of the world with various integration of payment gateways.

    Advance Reports

    The reports and the records of the working of the application will be generated in the application itself.

    Dynamic Notification Templates

    There will be different templates for the notifications so that one can send the information accurately that is needed to be carry forwarded.

    Setting Authority

    Settings help in editing the various aspects of the application. You can make changes in the application according to convenience and handle the application all according to you.